Briefing on the 18th Meeting of the Adaptation Fund Board

Which Fundraising Strategy is best for the AF

cover: briefing 18th afb

This briefing paper summarises the key issues that are on the agenda of the 18th meeting of the Adaptation Fund Board, which governs the Adaptation Fund set up under the Kyoto Protocol. It will take place from 26 to 29 June in Bonn.

Among the key issues are the consideration of further project and programme propos-als to be approved by the AFB, the accreditation of one National Implementing Entity (NIE) from India and the authorisation for an intersessional accreditation of two addition NIEs. Noteworthy and of utmost important during this meeting the discussion on the Fundraising strategy of the AF until end of 2013 to help the AF scaled up its resources. Also the AFB members will debate the Investigative procedure to prevent the AF from misuses and mismanagements of its resources as well as document as well as on the fundraising strategy to be adopted.

Last but not the least the AFB members will make their comments on the performance review of its Trustee and Secretariat.


Alpha Oumar Kaloga with the contribution of the Sven Harmeling
Briefing Paper
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