Webinar ID: 898 0745 8773
With the increasing need to save energy and resources, the urgent need to exit oil and gas consumption and a lack of climate-compatible options to travel via air, rail has an important role to play in climate-friendly mobility – and a historic chance to increase its share of travelling across Europe. With so far only seven percent of cross-border traffic, fuel prices and climate costs weighing in on road and air the potential for rail is huge. At the same time, trans-European services are lacking a competent European coordination agent and the rail grid direly needs bottlenecks solved. How can we align infrastructure investments with our climate targets? And who should become a driving force to improve trans-European rail services?
Hear on the role of rail for the European Green Deal inter alia from
- Daniel Mes, Member of Cabinet for Transport of the Vice-President of the European Commission for the European Green Deal
- Jakop Dalunde, Member of the European Parliament, Transport Committee
- Jon Worth, Founder of Trains for Europe and cross-European train traveller
- Stefan Roseanu, President of the Romanian Railway Reform Authority
- Kristian Schmidt, Director for Land Transport at the European Commission
- Lorelei Limousin, Campaigner Climate and Transport, Greenpeace Europe
- Dariush Kowsar, Director Europe SNCF Réseau
- Jeremie Fosse, President of EcoUnion Spain
- Valentin Desfontaines, Responsable Mobilités durables, Réseau Action Climat France
Moderation: Jacob Rohm, Coordinator Europe on Rail | Germanwatch
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Webinar ID: 898 0745 8773