Environmental Responsibility through Supply Chains - Insights from Latin America

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Environmental Responsibility

Discussion of EU- Proposal on a horizontal due diligence legislation regarding its potential impact in Latin America

Contamination of drinking water, loss of livelihoods due to the contamination of rivers and soil: severe environmental damages resulting from irresponsible business activities are widespread in many countries in Latin America. Often minerals mined in this context end up in European Cars, Electronics etc.

To foster responsibility within supply, the Commission adopted on 23 February 2022 a proposal for a Directive on Corporate sustainability due diligence. It is one of the first times environmental due diligence would be spelled out in a legislation. Environmental due diligence could, if integrated correctly, prevent the destruction of important ecosystems and at the same time be a fundamental tool to prevent related human rights violations. In reference to a recent study conducted by civil society from Latin America and Europe on requirements for an effective environmental due diligence, we want to discuss the legislative proposal and assess its strengths, weaknesses and what further steps to take if we really want it to be effective on the ground. The following questions could lead the discussion:

  • What is included in the legislative proposal with regard to the environmental due diligence? To what extent does it differ from already existing similar legislations of member states? 
  • What do civil society actors consider specifically relevant for environmental due diligence to have an impact on the ground? How to prevent possible negative side effects?
  • What needs to be added to the European legislation for the environmental due diligence to be effective on the ground?
  • What actors need to get involved?

Format: Online discussion, with live streaming via https://responsabilidadambiental.online/, Facebook live (https://www.facebook.com/BoellColombia) and Youtube, and recording available after the event. Discussion in Spanish, with English and German interpretation.


  • Introduction:  MEP Anna Cavazzini (Greens/EFA) 
  • Presentation of the study “Environmental Responsibility through Supply Chains” –
    • Fabiola Vargas (CENDA)
    • Andrés Angel (United Nations University/AIDA)
    • Juan Diego Espinosa (Business and Human Rights Resource Center)
  • Panel discussion – 50 min.
    • European Commission - DG Justice Representative
    • European Commission – EEAS - Representative (TBC)
    • Andrés Angel - Representative of CSO in Latin America
    • Alejandro Garcia Esteban (European Coalition for Corporate Justice)
  • Closing comments

Moderation: Johanna Sydow (Germanwatch)

Information provided by the organizer






Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung Bogotá - Colombia