Veranstaltung: Podiumsdiskussion

Achieving sustainability: the role of corporations, strategic litigation and ecocide law

 | EU Pavilion – COP 26 (online)
17:30 GMT
Europäisches Parlament

Business must transition to more climate-friendly practices. Civil litigation is already being used to make corporations and governments take action on climate. But could a new international crime of Ecocide address the problem at source?  We examine how business is adapting and consider established and new legal approaches for guiding businesses as they transition to more sustainable behaviours.







Nine de Pater | Milieudefensie

Noah Walker-Crawford | Germanwatch

Philippe Sands | Matrix Chambers

Sophie Dembinski | Ecosia

Wendy Franks | Northland Power Inc.

Roger Martella| General Electric


Moderation: Andrew Harding | BBC 


EU Pavilion – COP 26 (online)
17:30 GMT



Germanwatch, International Bar Association, Stop Ecocide Foundation & Ecosia