
Climate crisis – Who bears the burden?



City of Bonn, ICLEI, SÜDWIND and Germanwatch



Who should pay for climate protection and climate adjustment? What is the role of cities in tackling the climate emergency? How can they shape a climate-just future together and with other stakeholders? We provide answers to these questions from a wide range of perspectives:

Representatives of the City of Bonn and New York City show the scopes of cities, Christoph Bals from Germanwatch presents the civil society’s perspective and Irene Knoke from the SÜDWIND Institute articulates demands from a development research point of view.

Finally, Peruvian farmer and mountain guide Saúl Luciano Lliuya represents a community directly affected by climate change: the glacial lake above his hometown Huaraz is growing and the risk of fatal flooding is immanent. Since 2015, Saúl Luciano Lliuya, supported by Germanwatch, has therefore been suing the energy giant RWE, one of Europe’s largest CO₂ emitter, demanding that they take responsibility starting with financing protection for Huaraz and its people.


Stefan Wagner, Head, International Affairs and Global Sustainability, City of Bonn

Irene Knoke (Research associate, SÜDWIND),

Christoph Bals (Policy Director, Germanwatch)

Cities in support of climate justice, representative of NYC (tbc)

Saúl Luciano Lliuya (Farmer and mountain guide, Peru)

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In Elternzeit // Referentin für Klimaklage-Kommunikation