
The G20 Summit in Hamburg: A Step Towards a Low Carbon Economy? Expectations, Opportunities and Perspectives



Stiftung Mercator


Katholische Akademie
Herrengraben 4
Logo Stiftung Mercator

In the light of the G20 summit in Germany, experts from Germanwatch, a German NGO working for global equity and the preservation of livelihoods, will discuss the summit’s potential outcomes, consequences and opportunities for the global climate protection efforts together with representatives from business, civil society and academia. Within this context, Climate Transparency will present the main findings of its newly published report “Brown to Green. The G20 transition to a low carbon economy”, providing concise, comprehensive, comparable and credible information on how well each G20 country has advanced in four areas: Emissions, Policy performance, Finance and Decarbonization (http://www.climate.transparency.org/). The event is hosted by Stiftung Mercator.

Echter Name

Referent für Klimaschutz & Energie, Projektleiter Klima-Indizes

Echter Name

Politische Leitung Berlin /
Vertretung der Politischen Geschäftsführung bis 15.6.24