


After the EU election in June 2024, the new Commission will hold the power to demonstrate global climate leadership and reshape its partnership offer. Given the strong historical ties and growing economic relations between Africa and Europe, partnerships with the African continent must remain a focus of the EU. Our policy brief provides five recommendations for reshaping the EU’s partnership offer on energy co-operation.

A Round-Table with Civil Society Organisations from Latin America

The German government has recently launched its Climate Foreign Policy Strategy. In this context, several questions arise from the Latin American perspective. Our policy brief reflects the results of a round-table with Civil Society Organisations from Latin America.

Open letter to the French, German and Polish Ministers of Climate and Environment and Ministers Foreign Affairs

The EU’s ability to enact ambitious climate policies relies on effective leadership and demonstrated commitment from influential Member States. Representatives from leading think tanks, environmental NGOs, businesses, and scientific institutions in France, Germany, and Poland, are calling for the establishment of a 'Green Weimar Triangle' to renew trilateral climate dialogue among the three countries.

A fossil fuel phase-out by 2040 would increase peace and democracy while ensuring achieve-ment of the Paris targets
On 6 February, the European Commission will propose climate targets for 2040. The current Commission can thereby frame the climate policy of the upcoming years ahead of the EU elections in June. The 2040 targets will be a guiding light for the new Commission and shape the EU's worldwide perception. In this policy brief, Germanwatch is therefore calling for 'An Ambitious EU Climate Target for 2040'.
First analysis of COP28 in Dubai
The UN climate summit in Dubai concluded on 13 December after a 24-hour extension. While this year’s COP28 sends a strong signal overall, this should not distract from the weaknesses contained in the final decision, which could jeopardise implementation. The experts at Germanwatch have conducted an initial assessment of the negotiations, including the most important decisions and events. Their findings are presented here.
Implications of the 2023 Africa Climate Summit

The first Africa Climate Summit in September 2023 marked a milestone in global climate politics. African countries made clear that they want to actively shape the global climate debate to seize the opportunities of the green transformation and shake the perception of being mere victims of the climate crisis. In this briefing, we highlight the three main topics of the Summit – finance, renewable energy, and resilience – and offer recommendations for German climate foreign policy with regard to African countries in 2024 as the German government is revising its Africa Policy Guidelines.


Today, eight years ago, the Peruvian mountain guide and small farmer Saúl Luciano Lliuya filed his civil lawsuit against RWE at the regional court in Essen in Germany. What began back then has now become one of the world's most recognised precedents for the question of whether individual major emitters must pay for protection against climate risks.

Report on the 19th meeting of the Executive Committee of the Warsaw International Mechanism on Loss and Damage
The ExCom #19 took place in anticipation of the fourth meeting of the Transitional Committee, a body providing recommendations for the Loss and Damage Fund established at COP27. This report focuses on the collaboration of ExCom and the Adaption Fund, as insights from existing funds are crucial for the design of the Loss and Damage Fund.

The climate crisis continues to intensify worldwide. However, the main culprits of the climate crisis have so far shown a lack of financial support for dealing with loss and damage. The decision to set up a loss and damage fund at COP27 was a historic milestone after several developed countries had blocked it for many years. At COP28 in Dubai, the fund must now be made operable and filled adequately.

In memory of Prof. Dr Saleemul Huq
We at Germanwatch are grateful to Saleemul for the initiatives and memories we shared, learning from each other and him, and his commitment to a more climate-friendly world. The memory of him will give us additional energy to stand up for the concerns of those particularly affected by climate change, even in times of multiple geopolitical crises, and to advocate for key building blocks of climate justice such as Loss and Damage and the 1.5°C limit. Thank you, Saleem!

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Head of Division – German and European Climate Policy

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Senior Advisor – Climate and Development – India