Kaiserstr. 201
Germanwatch e.V.
Dr. Werner-Schuster-Haus
53113 Bonn
Rixa Schwarz is Senior Advisor for Climate and Development – India at Germanwatch. She has been following the UN climate negotiations for years and is currently focussing on adaptation and climate equity.
She was Co-Head of the division International Climate Policy at Germanwatch and responsible for the topics of adaptation and resilience, mitigation and international partnerships. Rixa Schwarz has led projects on climate and security as well as international NGO dialogues. She also has many years of experience working in India, where she is involved in climate education and climate and energy policy. This is also where her interest in sustainable lifestyles comes from.
- with Germanwatch since 2006
- studied Geography and Human Ecology, University of Gothenburg, Sweden
Focus of Work:
- climate and energy politics of India
- UNFCCC processes
- climate equity
- resilience building and adaptation to climate change impacts
- sustainable lifestyles
- part of the Political Coordination Group of the Climate Action Network (CAN International)