Mitarbeiter:innen von Germanwatch bei der UN-Klimakonferenz 2024 in Baku

Germanwatch staff at the 2024 UN Climate Conference (COP29) in Baku.

UN climate conferences

Within the framework of the United Nations, the global community negotiates its framework for climate protection and adaptation. Germanwatch actively monitors and supports this negotiation process, ensuring that not only the major emitters but also the most affected countries have a voice.

Focus pages of the UN climate conferences

2024: COP29 in Baku/Azerbaijan

2023: COP28 in Dubai

2022: COP27 in Sharm El Sheikh

2021: COP26 in Glasgow/UK

2019: COP25 in Madrid/Spain

2018: COP24 in Katowice/Poland

2017: COP23 in Bonn/Germany

2016: COP22 in Marrakech/Marokko

2015: COP21 in Paris/France

2014: COP20 in Lima/Peru


Archive: Background papers from past UN climate conferences 

Germanwatch has accompanied all UN climate conferences for many decades with information-rich background papers.
An overview of all publications can be found here >>.

