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The Green Climate Fund (GCF) is the largest source of adaptation funding. This Policy Brief examined the extent to which current GCF-funded projects and programmes support adaptation at the sub-national or local level in African states. It does so by using the principles of locally led adaptation as a framework through which the portfolio of the GCF is analysed, with the purpose of providing recommendations for how the GCF can better integrate these considerations in its policies and approved activities in the future, especially for its second replenishment period.
This policy brief first summarises energy-related outcomes of the AU-EU summit, including the Global Gateway Investment Package for Africa, then analyses corresponding risks and opportunities, including suggested ways forward. Last but not least, the brief summarises key recommendations for AU-EU cooperation on energy.
At the UN Climate Conference in Glasgow (COP26), several multilateral initiatives were launched that manifest the ongoing development of a more polycentric and complex international climate governance. Read more about how they can potentially close the 2030 ambition gap and implement climate action more quickly in our policy brief.
At the UN Climate Conference in Glasgow (COP26), several multilateral initiatives were launched. In this fact sheet, we took a closer look at the Beyond Oil and Gas Alliance (BOGA) and its potential to close the 2030 ambition gap and implement climate action more quickly.
Flying is three times more harmful to the climate than often assumed. Germanwatch puts forward proposals for a precise and fair documentation and reduction of non-CO2 effects.