The Briefing Paper on the 12th meeting of the Executive Committee (ExCom) of the Warsaw International Mechanism on Loss and Damage (WIM) from 12-16th October 2020 is mainly directed at persons interested in the discussions on Loss and Damage within the UNFCCC process.
The meeting will take place in the middle of the Covid-19-crisis that comes across with severe challenges for vulnerable groups but also in regards of keeping up climate diplomacy.
The meeting will inter alia discuss the launch of three expert groups on slow onset events, non-economic losses and action and support. Apart from launching theses expert groups, it will be mainly of importance how they are designed in terms of composition of members and concrete activities.
This Briefing Paper captures key agenda items, main expectations for the meeting and is putting it into the context of this extraordinary situation of a global pandemic, reinforcing the challenges posed by the climate crisis.