Reviewing Africa’s Renewable Energy Initiatives

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This report provides civil society perspectives on three initiatives of particular importance in relation to renewable energy in Africa – the Africa Renewable Energy Initiative (AREI), the Least Developed Countries Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Initiative for Sustainable Development (LDC REEEI), and the African Energy Transition Programme (AFRETRAP). Each of the three initiatives have African origin, a continental or near-continental reach, and they all share similar forward-looking, progressive principles, which are in considerable alignment with civil society principles. Successful implementation of each of the initiatives would signify major progress, and would help to significantly ramp up NDCs as well as energy access for African countries. Germany has an important role to play in supporting the transformation towards people-centred renewable energy futures in Africa.

The briefing paper was written by Powershift Africa in cooperation with Germanwatch.

Mohamed Adow (Power Shift Africa)
Briefing Paper


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Policy Advisor – Energy Policy and Civil Society - Africa