Germanwatch has developed a series of worksheets on various aspects of global climate change for school lessons, some of which are also available in English. The target group is teachers and education professionals. They are suitable for use from upper secondary level onwards. You can download the worksheets free of charge or order them for 3 or 5 euros (+ 2 euros postage). Further information >>
Overview of the worksheets
Information about our worksheets
The ‘Worksheets on global climate change’ are designed for science and social studies lessons at upper secondary level (some are also suitable from year ten onwards). In addition to the general description of the effects and causes, they also address the possible effects of climate change, particularly in their regional differentiation. It is important to address the topic of climate change not only from an environmental point of view, but also to include the development policy dimension and the issue of global distributive justice. The worksheets and associated materials focus on this.
Firstly, an introductory worksheet entitled ‘Global climate change - general issues’ looks at general issues relating to climate change. These questions focus on the causes, polluters, consequences and possible solutions. The subsequent case studies focus specifically on analysing the initial situations of industrialised and developing countries and the question of why they are affected differently by climate change.