Worksheets: Global climate change

General issues

Cover General Issues

This teaching unit focuses on the causes and effects of climate change in general, and the issue of culprits and victims in particular. This basic module should allow the pupils to gain the basic knowledge for the following modules, which are conceived as case studies.

A current extreme weather incident would be a good starting point for this series of lessons, if possible using the example of a concrete, local action or conflict scenario with which the pupils are directly or indirectly engaged. Options could include current heat or drought events in the pupil’s country, where possible presented with the assistance of audio-visual aids. Thereafter the origins of the natural greenhouse effect should be developed. By repeating important climatic terminology and examining the radiation balance of the Earth, pupils become familiar with the Earth’s current temperature as well as the effect of natural temperature fluctuations. Information on the basic functions and possible consequences of the anthropogenic greenhouse effect builds on this knowledge.


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