Titelbild: Deutsche und EU-Klimapolitik

Deutschland und die EU leisten derzeit weder ihren Klimaschutz-Beitrag, der einen gefährlichen Klimawandel abwenden hilft, noch kooperieren sie ausreichend mit anderen Ländern zu Klimaschutz und -anpassung. Germanwatch fordert Handeln auf nationaler und auf EU-Ebene ein und unterstützt dies aktiv.

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Press Release
Press Release Climate Transparency

82% of the G20’s energy supply still comes from fossil fuels, according to the 2018 Brown to Green Report, released today. In Saudi Arabia, Australia and Japan fossil fuels make up even more than 90% of the energy supply, with little or no change in recent years. The 20 major economies play a key role for achieving the Paris targets because they alone account for 80% of global greenhouse gas emissions.

Blog-post von Martin Schön-Chanishvili and Eva Schmid, July 2018

In the beginning of July, Germanwatch published its Kosovo research study “Phasing in Renewables“ and discussed it in Pristina with development organisations, ministries, business, NGOs and academia. Kosovo faces quite typical challenges of the Western Balkans, being heavily reliant on lignite use for power generation and struggling with serious social and economic problems.

Towards a prosperous and sustainable energy future in Kosovo: challenges and possible solutions
Germanwatch, together with Balkan Green Foundation, has published the study "Phasing in Renewables. Towards a prosperous and sustainable energy future in Kosovo: challenges and possible solutions". Ten authors from the spheres of science, consulting and practice outline challenges and possible solutions for Kosovo based on experiences in other countries.
Europe Beyond Coal groups and other NGOs, including Germanwatch, have called on the Mayor of Rotterdam, Mr Ahmed Aboutaleb; the CEO of Rotterdam Port, Mr Allard Castelein; and the Rotterdam City Council, to phase-out coal transshipments.
The recommendations are an important step towards making use of the financial markets’ leverage on climate change, and they send a strong signal to the German coalition talks and the EU Commission’s action plan. Still, some aspects need to be improved in the implementation phase.
We welcome the recommendations of the EU Commission’s High Level Expert Group on Sustainable Finance (HLEG). The HLEG’s final report represents hitherto the most comprehensive plan to systematically integrate sustainability aspects into the financial system of the European Union.
Press Release
Global energy transition taking up speed - but no country is doing enough; Countries have to strengthen targets and implementation; Sweden, Lithuania, Morocco and Norway leading the table - USA in free fall
Bonn (November 15th, 2017). After a decade of rapid growth, we see a strong decrease in the growth rates of global CO2 emissions over the past years, sending signals for a decarbonisation of the global energy system. The Climate Change Performance Index 2018 (CCPI), published today at COP23 in Bonn, confirms these developments in Greenhouse-Gas-emissions (GHG), renewable energies and energy use for some countries but also still clearly shows a current general lack of ambitious targets and sufficient implementation for a Paris-compatible pathway.
Declaration of German businesses on the coalition talks
52 major and medium-sized businesses of Germany call at the next German government to do better and more on reaching German and EU climate targets. Amongst the signatories are Adidas, Aldi, Deutsche Telekom, E.on, Hochtief, Metro, Nestlé, SAP and Siemens. Several industry players plus companies being energy intensive or invested into coal have come on board the declaration. Together, they represent more than 500,000 employees in Germany and about 1.5 million globally.
Press Release
Italy, Brazil and France rank, albeit with some concessions, as best in class ahead of Germany – while the US and Saudi Arabia can be found at the lower end. So far no country in the G20 is on track to meet the Paris climate goals.
The G20 collectively are still far removed from demonstrating responsible stewardship in the area of climate protection. Yet individual countries – both traditional industrial nations such as Italy, France and to some extent Germany as well, and emerging economies like Brazil and India – have indicated possible pathways to decarbonization. This is the key insight provided by the G20 Climate Change Performance Index (CCPI), introduced by Germanwatch, the Climate Action Network (CAN) and the NewClimate Institute today. A day ahead of the G20 summit in Hamburg, the member states have highly diverse scores within the ranking.
How to raise ambition in climate action in G20 countries?
The Brown to Green Forum discussed with high-level representatives and experts from G20 countries how to increase ambition for climate action in the G20. It explored policy options, opportunities and new coalitions within the G20 and particularly discussed the role of the financial sector to drive the shift from fossil-fuel to low-carbon investments. Climate Transparency further presented a comparison of G20 countries’ climate action.
Press Release
After the initial hearing at the regional court in Essen, the civil chamber will announce on December 15 whether the first European civil court climate case against a big emitter will proceed to the evidentiary phase. The Peruvian mountain guide Saúl Luciano Lliuya wants to achieve that the energy giant RWE covers a share of the preventative measures against climate effects needed in his hometown.
In the “climate suit” of Peruvian mountain guide and small farmer Saúl Luciano Lliuya against RWE, the regional court in Essen has announced that it will decide on December 15 whether the suit will proceed to the evidentiary phase. Thus it remains unclear whether, for the first time, a German civil court will probe in detail the question to what extent big contributors to climate change must pay for the costs of preventative measures against the risks that others face in the course of global climate change. The claimant Saúl Luciano Lliuya and his attorney Dr. Roda Verheyen (Hamburg) are optimistic. “In an open proceeding, we laid out why our claims are valid and legitimate, and why this is a matter that the regional court must consider”, says attorney Roda Verheyen.