Effective Grievance Mechanisms in European Due Diligence Legislation

Cover of the paper
Recommendations for the Design of the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD)

Fatal accidents, environmental disasters, and serious human rights abuses have occurred repeatedly in the global value chains of many companies. It is therefore imperative to ensure that those affected have the means to seek redress, thereby mitigating the risks associated with human rights violations and environmental degradation. One potential avenue for remedy is through non-state-based operational grievance mechanisms, which can exist either at the corporate level or as independent entities. This policy brief examines the role of operational grievance mechanisms in the ongoing negotiations of the EU Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD).

Unlocking 100% renewable electricity in Africa and elsewhere

First page

Transitioning to and establishing electricity systems based on 100% renewable energy sources is a crucial step towards limiting global emissions. Co-authored with the Pan-African Climate Justice Alliance, our fact sheet provides an overview of the components needed to build such a system.

Sustainability due diligence obligations for financial institutions

The role of financial institutions in mitigating supply chain impacts – the case of deforestation

In our new policy brief, we analyse along with Climate & Company and Rechtsanwälte Günther why sustainability due diligence obligations for financial institutions are key to achieving the EU's climate goals. As an example for this tool, we draw on due diligence obligations for financial institutions to avoid financing projects that cause deforestation. In addition, the policy brief presents specific recommendations for regulating financial actors through the EU Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD).

Advancing the EU's Climate and Energy Diplomacy

First page of the policy brief
Building on the priorities of the Spanish Presidency of the Council of the EU in 2023

As of July, Spain holds the Presidency of the Council of the European Union. The Spanish Presidency has identified four priorities to focus on during its term. In our policy brief, we highlight specific areas of action within these priorities for the Spanish Presidency to make progress on climate and energy diplomacy.

Operationalising the Loss and Damage Fund

Learning from the Funding Mosaic

The 27th UN Climate Conference (COP27) concluded with the groundbreaking agreement to establish a new loss and damage (L&D) fund. This significant development aims to enable vulnerable countries to respond to and recover from climate impacts. The report emphasises that the design and operation of the L&D fund will be significantly influenced by its intended scope. With diverse opinions among stakeholders on the fund's optimal design, the selection process for these recommendations is of paramount importance.