News | 19 March 2020

A multi actor approach to derisking investments in Indian solar energy


India has a huge potential for solar energy. Accordingly, the Indian solar targets of 100 GW by 2022 are ambitious. The realization of these targets still require foreign investment in the Indian solar sector. The Multi-Actor-Project of Germanwatch and TERI and further partners seeks to gather stakeholders from civil society, financial institutions and government bodies as well as research organisations in order to identify de-risking instruments for foreign solar investments in India. This film shares first insights on the main financial and social & environmental investments risks.

A film by Germanwatch e.V. and The Energy and Resources Institute (teri)
Production: Lentfer Filmproduktion
Narrator: Anne Marie Sackx
With financial support of

Stiftung Mercator
BMZ en




Germanwatch is responsible for the content.