Renewable Senegal

Cover of the study
Opportunities for German-Senegalese development cooperation towards a renewable future

While Senegal has had major success in expanding renewable energy – the variable nature of wind and solar energy and the existing electricity system means that further grid integration is starting to become a growing challenge. Moving forward, policy decisions to be taken will have a large influence over the role of fossil fuels in Senegal for the foreseeable future. This paper aims to provide an overview of the opportunities to support Senegal in its transition to a decarbonised, renewable energy system, including a discussion of the challenges associated with this transition and the role that Germany can play in overcoming them.

Press Release | 30 May 2023

Climate litigation as a significant risk for fossil fuel companies

New scientific study shows that climate lawsuits lead to a significant loss in value for companies with CO2-intensive business models / Researchers show: RWE share fell up to 6 percent due to Saúl Luciano Lliuya's lawsuit at Hamm Higher Regional Court

The environmental and development organisation Germanwatch points out that fossil fuel companies will have to disclose climate risks in their risk reports and have them externally audited. The reason for this is a new study by a team of researchers from the renowned London School of Economics and Political Science, which shows a clear connection between climate litigation and share price losses of affected companies.

News | 24 May 2023

Saúl Luciano Lliuya against RWE: expert opinion expected in summer

Schild mit der Aufschrift "Ruta de Evacuación" vor einem reißenden Bach

More than 50,000 inhabitants of the Andean city of Huaraz are threatened by a flood wave due to global warming. The Andean farmer and mountain guide Saúl Luciano Lliuya decided to take action: On 24 November 2015, he filed a lawsuit against the energy company RWE in a German civil court. One year after the court visit to Huaraz, the expert report will finally be available this summer. A hearing at the Higher Regional Court of Hamm is expected later this year.

News | 19 May 2023

To ensure energy and food security, Scholz must stop pushing gas at G7

Christoph Bals, Policy Director at Germanwatch, about the G7 Leaders’ Summit in Hiroshima

In the lead up to this weekend’s G7 Leaders’ Summit in Hiroshima, Germany has been exposed for joining Japan in pushing fellow G7 members to backslide on previous commitments and endorse increased public investments in gas. Contrary to what Germany’s Chancellor Olaf Scholz says, different studies show that new investments in gas are not necessary to increase energy security but only exacerbate the climate crisis and threaten food security. Chancellor Scholz risks undermining a successful G7 Summit regarding climate for the second year.

Blogpost | 10 May 2023

The World Bank’s sector notes encourage the consideration of transitions, but lack sufficient detail to ensure full alignment with the Paris Agreement

Foto des World Bank Gebäudes

Following the release of their ‘Instrument Methods’ for Paris alignment, the World Bank Group published accompanying sector notes for Energy and Extractives; Agriculture and Food; Transport; Environment, Natural Resources and Blue Economy; Water; as well as Urban, Resilience, Disaster Risk Management, and Land. The notes detail the approach to assess whether different types of projects in these sectors are aligned with the Paris Agreement. The World Bank Group will update the notes, and will publish six more for additional sectors. In this blog we look at whether the approaches in the notes are sufficient to avoid financial flows that conflict with the Paris Agreement.