Advice Note to companies, member states, and the European Commission

Implementation of the EU Regulation

Advice note to companies, member states, and the European Commission

The EU Regulation on due diligence in mineral supply chains came into force on 8 June 2017. It aims to disrupt links between conflict, human rights abuses, and the global minerals trade, by requiring companies bringing ores and metals of tin, tantalum, tungsten, and gold (3TG) into the EU—from anywhere in the world—to do so responsibly. The Regulation is based on the existing, internationally-endorsed, OECD standard for responsible mineral supply chains.

While the majority of the Regulation’s requirements won’t take full effect until 1 January 2021, the Commission has encouraged all companies to start carrying out due diligence on their supply chains before that date. Some of the Regulation’s obligations on Member States and the Commission have already come into effect. The practices required by the Regulation are not new, and are all consistent with standards for responsible business conduct endorsed and encouraged by the EU since at least 2011. This note provides practical guidance and recommendations to support companies, Member States, and the Commission to fulfil their obligations under the Regulation and linked commitments. This note is not intended to be exhaustive.