Multilateral Development Banks’ Paris Alignment Methodologies

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Best Practice and Suggestions for Improvement

The Multilateral Development Banks (MDBs) play a substantial role in the global transition to low-carbon, climate-resilient economies and societies. This paper examines how the MDBs aim to put Paris alignment into practice. The analysis highlights both shortcomings and best practice in the joint MDB methodological principles, and the specific Paris-alignment methodologies of the World Bank, EBRD, IDB, and AIIB. It does this with a particular view to providing constructive input for upcoming reviews and revisions of those methodologies.

News | 01 July 2024

Terms of Reference for a climate finance consultant


Germanwatch is looking to appoint a consultant to support our work on several publications on climate finance in the next two years as part of our Climate Finance Advisory Service project. Please find the terms of reference attached.

Deadline for applications is July 15th, 2024.

Blogpost | 20 June 2024

Voters demand climate remains high on political agenda

Vorschaubild Blog

It has been frequently noted in the aftermath of the European elections that climate policy issues were less on the election agenda than in 2019. That may be true. But it is also true that a broad electoral majority is in favour of appropriate political responses to the climate crisis: support for more effective measures is polling high in many EU countries and among supporters of almost all (relevant) German parties. This is shown in several EU-wide and national surveys, as well as our own Germanwatch survey, commissioned together with DNR and WWF.

Moving forward on the path to deforestation-free supply chains

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An overview of Chinese initiatives with recommendations for further strategic advocacy

China's recent international commitments and domestic approaches to mitigating the environmental and social threats associated with global deforestation are plentiful but not sufficient, especially when compared to its peer and competitor, the EU. Our innovative flashcards provide key recommendations on how to strengthen the systematic approach to curate further dialogue and co-operation with stakeholders, especially by highlighting the key ministries' roles in greening the global supply chain. Ultimately, we encourage China to advance its commitment and policy to reduce global deforestation resulting from soft commodity supply chains.