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Aktuelles (EntscheidungsträgerInnen)


Within the next Multiannual Financial Frame (MFF), the European Regional Development Fund / Cohesion Fund Regulation (ERDF/CF) and the Common Provisions Regulation (CPR) are key instruments that shape and determine the direction of the European Cohesion Policy after 2020. Ahead of the REGI Committee votes on these two pieces of legislation in the first two month of 2019, NGOs from across Europe aim at drawing MEPs' attention with an open letter to key provisions within these regulations that are needed to promote a just and fair transition.

Human Rights and Planetary Boundaries need our Active Commitment

Curbing globalization will create opportunities for particularly vulnerable segments of the population and for the development of future generations. In our search for sustainable solutions, we strongly reject recent calls for isolationism and focus instead on increased international cooperation, for example, in


On December 13, the Board of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) adopted a new strategy for the energy sector. The strategy will have an impact on the use of billions of Euros of public funds in the energy sector. Unfortunately, the strategy represents a missed chance to truly align all investments by the banks with the goals of the Paris climate agreement. Although the strategy has made progress compared to the previous energy strategy, it is far less ambitious then the precedent set by the World Bank in 2017 that excludes all financing of upstream oil and gas activities.


The CCPI is an independent monitoring tool of countries' climate protection performance. It aims to enhance transparency in international climate politics and enables the comparability of climate protection efforts and progress made by individual countries. Based on standardised criteria, the index evaluates and compares the climate protection performance of 56 countries and the EU, which are together responsible for more than 90 percent of global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.

How the Multilateral Development Banks Can Better Support the Paris Agreement

The world’s climate goals can only be reached with enough high quality financial support. Multilateral development banks (MDBs) have to play a vital role in efforts to shift global finance flows towards a sustainable future.
The report aims to support the ongoing efforts by MDBs to achieve alignment between their activities and the global climate goals and to help shareholders and stakeholders to screen projects and strategies for Paris alignment. It can also serve as a discussion basis for the efforts of other financial institutions to align their financial flows.


Over 20 leading NGOs working on corporate transparency have published a statement calling on EU policy-makers to define companies’ disclosure obligations on sustainability issues on the occasion of today’s high-level conference on the future of corporate reporting hosted by the European Commission in Brussels.

Making Insurance-related Instruments for Climate Risk Management Beneficial to the Poor and Vulnerable

With climate change extreme weather events such as floods, droughts or storms are increasing in frequency and severity. They put people and their livelihoods under risk – especially the poorest and most vulnerable communities in developing countries. The need for managing these climate risks is becoming more pressing as global temperatures rise. Tools that have been gaining attention and promotion in recent years are climate risk insurance and insurance-related instruments.

Who suffers Most from Extreme Weather Events? Weather-related Loss Events in 2017 and 1998 to 2017

The Global Climate Risk Index 2019 analyses to what extent countries and regions have been affected by impacts of weather-related loss events (storms, floods, heat waves etc.). The most recent data available — for 2017 and from 1998 to 2017 — were taken into account. The countries and territories affected most in 2017 were Puerto Rico, Sri Lanka as well as Dominica. For the period from 1998 to 2017 Puerto Rico, Honduras and Myanmar rank highest.

Assessing the needs and attractiveness of low-carbon investments in G20 countries

Der Allianz Klima- und Energiemonitor vergleicht die G20-Staaten hinsichtlich ihrer Attraktivität für Investitionen in eine emissionsfreie Energie-Infrastruktur. Zudem berechnet er den momentanen und künftigen Investitionsbedarf – davon ausgehend, dass die Klimaziele des Pariser Abkommens, deutlich unter 2 Grad bzw. möglichst 1,5 Grad Erwärmung, eingehalten werden sollen. Der Monitor wurde zum dritten Mal von der Allianz SE in Kooperation mit Germanwatch und dem NewClimate Institute erstellt.