Time for a Green Weimar Triangle

Open NGO letter to the governments in Poland, Germany and France

Titelseite Offener Brief

30 years ago the Weimar Triangle was founded to promote European integration and to strengthen political ties between Poland, France and Germany. On the occasion of the EU Environment Council on the 6th of October and this year's anniversary of the Weimar Triangle, major environmental organizations from the three countries are calling for the establishment of a Green Weimar Triangle with new coordination and exchange formats for an intensive climate dialogue.

Our message: Until now, the three countries have too often worked against each other in the area of European climate protection. More trilateral coordination and cooperation is important for a socially fair and solidarity-based European Green Deal.


Green Weimar Triangle as a driving force in EU climate policy

Germanwatch and other major environmental organizations demand from their three governments:

  • A long-term Green Weimar Triangle for strategic trilateral cooperation in climate policy with different working formats of governments, parliaments and, if possible, civil societies.
  • Trilateral coordination and joint initiatives on the upcoming negotiations on the further development and implementation of the Fit for 55 climate package. The three governments should stand up for a swift EU-wide reduction of fossil fuels and nuclear energy in the national energy mix to the greatest possible extent before 2030 and work on engaging the deep transformations of the EU economy in all sectors.
  • Rail renaissance for Europe with attractive train connections between Paris, Berlin and Warsaw.
  • The socially fair transformation towards a climate-neutral EU as a priority of trilateral climate cooperation to protect effectively the most vulnerable against social disruptions.


Publication data

Permalink: https://www.germanwatch.org/en/node/20936