November 2008
Authors: Sven Harmeling (Germanwatch) and Kit Vaughan (WWF UK)
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Adaptation has increasingly gained attention in the UNFCCC negotiations. In Poznan, adaptation-relevant issues will be discussed across several agenda items, including in the Ad-hoc Working Group on Long-term Cooperative Action (AWG-LCA), and the Subsidiary Bodies of Implementation (SBI) and Scientific and Technological Advice (SBSTA).
The conference in Poznan provides opportunities to take important steps to move forward towards greater implementation of adaptation in the short and longer-term, e.g. through the adoption of documents prepared by the Adaptation Fund Board and the initiation of negotiations for a three-year work programme under the SBI. This paper gives an overview of the different agenda items relating to adaptation issues and includes an "adaptation schedule" for Poznan. It also outlines potential options to move forward for a successful adaptation outcome in Poznan, based on the deliberations under different agenda items.
See also:
- Adaptation under UNFCCC – the road from Bonn to Poznan 2008 (August 2008)
- Briefing Paper: Adaptation to climate change - where do we go from Bali? (March 2008)