- born 1950, lives in Hamburg.
- Business Graduate (Diplom-Kaufmann), Consultant on sustainability, development and environment
- Co-founder of Germanwatch and member of the board since 1991. Chairman 2005-2019
Member of the following steering and consulting committees:
- Chairman of the Board of the Stiftung Zukunftsfähigkeit (Foundation for Sustainability) (www.stiftungzukunft.de)
- Chair of the board of advisers and representative of the association atmosfair gGmbH
- Board of trustees of the Potsdam Institut für Klimafolgenforschung (Institute for Climate Impact Research)
- Member of Steering group of the Sustainable Development Solution Network (SDSN) Germany
- Member of Steering group Wissenschaftsplattform Nachhaltigkeit 2030 (Science Platform Sustainability 2030)
- Chairman of the Steering Group of "Foundations20" (www.foundations-20.org)
Other activities:
- International Ambassador of the City of Bonn (since 2014)