Die Industrieländer haben im „Kopenhagen-Akkord“ zugesagt, Maßnahmen zur Emissionsminderung, zum Regenwaldschutz und zur Anpassung an den Klimawandel in Entwicklungs- und Schwellenländern zu finanzieren. Bis 2020 sollen die Mittel auf 100 Mrd. $ jährlich anwachsen. Wir setzen uns dafür ein, dass Deutschland dazu seinen fairen Beitrag leistet – und zwar im Rahmen einer kohärenten Klimafinanzierungsstrategie.

Aktuelles zum Thema

Developing a comprehensive approach to monitoring climate change action for funds
Monitoring, reporting and verification of climate finance provided and the funded activities has grown in importance during the last years. Therefore, a consortium of Germanwatch, Ecofys and Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment, Energy has developed for the German Federal Environment Agency a proposal for a potential monitoring and reporting system for a bilateral climate funds.
– a scoping study –
This paper describes policies for financing energy efficiency in buildings in China and Germany. In both countries energy consumption of the building sector constitutes a large share of the overall energy consumption. While the situation in regard to the size and age of the existing building stock and the construction rate of new buildings differs in China and Germany, there are nevertheless some similar challenges where sharing of experiences could be helpful.
CDKN Policy Brief - October 2013
World leaders and governments paved the way for the establishment of the Green Climate Fund (GCF) through the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) agreements made at the Conference of Parties (COPs) in Copenhagen (2009) and Cancún (2010). The objective of the Green Climate Fund is to achieve a paradigm shift towards low-carbon and climateresilient development pathways. This requires ambition, in the design of funded activities and in the provision of financial resources to the GCF.
This paper pursues the question of whether revenues from Chinese emission trading scheme (ETS) pilots, and a future national carbon market, should be used for national climate action in China and what topics should be addressed. Firstly, it will discuss why carbon market revenues should be used for climate finance and how this may be accomplished in theory. The paper then describes the experience of other countries, particularly in the EU, in using ETS revenues for climate actions. Finally recommendations are provided for the Chinese pilot ETS.
One in a series of Open Climate Network (OCN) papers, this assessment looks at the Fast-Start Finance (FSF) contributions from Germany.
What is the appetite for earmarking within specific EU member states?
The European Union Emission Trading Scheme (EU ETS) is facing serious problems. Clear decisions are necessary to ensure that the EU ETS will realise its double potential during the third EU ETS period as a key instrument for reducing emissions and generating revenues for national and international climate action.The paper will shed light on the potential of the EU ETS as a finance instrument. And it will “reactivate” the question regarding earmarking the EU ETS revenues.
The present discussion paper describes why early pledges for the Green Climate Fund (GCF) are important for early action – hence a timely start of project support – of the GCF. Of course, each donor country decides for itself when it perceives a fund to be ready and sufficiently trustworthy for funding and each donor country will probably have its own set of items it wants to see addressed before it can pro-vide pledges. Nevertheless, this short discussion paper looks at the interdependence between the need for early pledging for the GCF and the necessary progress of the GCF operationalization process.
A First Assessment of the OECD "Adaptation Marker"
In response to the launch of the OECD "Adaptation Marker" in 2010 and the first complete Creditor Reporting System dataset published in March 2012, this paper ex-amines the credibility of the marker. Our assessment reveals that far less projects than the donor countries reported are in fact relevant to what can be considered climate change adaptation.
Accounting Issues Regarding Private Finance
This discussion paper addresses and raises different questions regarding what kind of private finance could be included in the 100bn USD of climate finance, which developed countries committed to mobilize annually by 2020.