Front Briefing Paper ExCom meeting #10
Background Brief in preparation for the tenth meeting of the Executive Committee of the Warsaw International Mechanism on Loss and Damage

This briefing note provides an outlook to the upcoming tenth meeting of the Executive Committee (ExCom#10) of the Warsaw International Mechanism on Loss and Damage (WIM) in Bonn 23 to 25 October 2019. The meeting will discuss - inter alia - the status of work of the thematic working groups and at least approve two workplans of the respective groups.

Germanwatch will attend the meeting as an observer.


Multi-Actor-Partnerships offer an approach to address complex challenges through cooperation between actors from civil society, politics, the private sector and academia. The short film outlines the relevant framework conditions and criteria for a successful partnership. An example from India illustrates the advantages of this approach.


The short film illustrates how cooperation between actors from civil society, politics, the private sector and academia helps to incorporate different perspectives and backgrounds in solutions to complex challenges. The example of climate risk insurance in Kenya illustrates the implementation of this approach.

With 2015 to 2019 as the hottest five-year period ever measured and climate impacts getting ever more severe and frequent, the immediate and determined implementation of the goals mutually agreed on in the Paris Agreement is more urgent than ever. UN Secretary-General António Guterres has therefore invited governments, the private sector, civil society and international organisations to the UN Climate Action Summit 2019 starting today in New York. Focussing on ambitious solutions and announcements of more ambitious climate targets, the summit is meant to be the starting signal for a “race to the top”.
The Ambition Call
For the UN Secretary General Climate Action Summit, New York, 23 September 2019

Ahead of the 2019 Climate Action Summit (23 September 2019) hosted by UN Secretary-General António Guterres, the network Climate Transparency is calling for concrete climate action from the G20 countries. The Ambition Call directed at Germany calls for progress in three areas.

Engaging with the Africa Renewable Energy Initiative
An Independent Civil Society AREI Monitoring Framework

The Africa Renewable Energy Initiative (AREI) aims to transform the African power sector by harnessing the continent’s huge, but yet largely untapped, renewable energy potential. Civil society organisations (CSOs) are an essential part of this process, as they can take on various roles to benefit the initiative.

AREI – About the Africa Renewable Energy Initiative

Renewable energy’s untapped potential on the African continent is a key solution to its energy and development goals, as it can broaden electricity access, increase investment and allow African countries to become climate leaders through a participatory and people-centred approach.

Best Practices on Renewable Energy in Africa

Electricity and energy are key African issues: with 2/3 of its population still without access to electricity services and electricity demand assumed to triple until 2030, African nations’ energy policies are essential to achieve their development goals.

Heidelberg’s International Conference on Climate Action 2019

On 22 and 23 May, 900 decision-makers from countries, regions and cities as well as stakeholders and experts from around the world convened for the International Conference on Climate Action (ICCA 2019) in Heidelberg. Their aim: strengthening mitigation and adaptation measures, especially in urban areas, by improving coordination and cooperation across all levels of government and with civil society and the private sector.

Japan's G20 Presidency_Innovation for Climate Action

The G20 has a strong economic interest in limiting global warming to 1.5°C due to climate change’s negative impact on total economic activity, the productivity of the workforce and the smooth functioning of financial markets. The G20 countries are key for driving this global transition since they account for approximately 80 % of global greenhouse gas emissions, 85 % of global gross domestic product and 75 % of foreign direct investment flows.