ExCom #2 - Addressing the Climate Risk Gap

Insights for the 2nd Meeting of the Executive Committee

Cover WIM Briefing

While Paris has been a success in terms of environmental diplomacy and politically acknowledged the risks of climate change especially if global mean temperature exceeds 1.5° C, the current level of domestic targets would result in much higher global warming. This emission gap directly translates into a climate risk gap resulting in loss and damage for people and ecosystems. This is the backdrop against which the Warsaw International Mechanism's performance needs to be compared.

This document serves as briefing note for the second meeting of the Executive Committee of the WIM and provides an outline of issues that need to be advanced this year by the ExCom as well as selected input on the Task Torce for human mobility, the Risk Transfer Clearinghouse and the links to the Standing Committee on Finance.

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Sönke Kreft, Laura Schäfer, Vera Künzel, Sabine Minninger


Vera Künzel

Senior Advisor – Climate Change Adaptation and Human Rights