Im Rahmen der Vereinten Nationen verhandelt die Weltgemeinschaft über ihr Regelwerk zu Klimaschutz und Anpassung. Germanwatch beobachtet und unterstützt aktiv diesen Verhandlungsprozess, bei dem nicht nur die Hauptverursacher, sondern auch die betroffensten Staaten eine Stimme haben.

Aktuelles zum Thema

Press Release
Increased intensity of storms takes a toll on small island states and poor countries / Since 1997, over 520,000 people have been killed by more than 11,000 extreme weather events
Small island states are amongst the countries most impacted by extreme weather events worldwide. A number of developing countries regularly already have to address weather catastrophes, especially poorer countries like Haiti, Sri Lanka or Viet Nam are facing great challenges. These are some of the key findings of the Climate Risk Index published by Germanwatch today at the climate summit in Bonn.
Looking at Small Island Developing States
With the incoming Fijian UNFCCC COP-Presidency, a growing awareness is raised for the impacts of climate change and especially climate-induced loss and damage.
Blog post by Wladimir Tschuprow (Greenpeace Russland), July 2017

Russia, the world’s third largest oil producer, is caught between two futures: diversify its fossil fuel based economy in response to changing energy markets and the end of the raw super cycle, or to restore Russian positions in fossil energy markets. While Russian leadership is torn on the subject, the future of the 1.5 degree goal hinges on the direction the nation will take.

Policy options and recommendations to the G20
In the landmark Paris Climate Agreement, the international community committed to limit global warming to well below 2°C, if not 1.5°C above preindustrial levels. World leaders also committed to foster adaptation and to make all financial flows consistent with climate resilient, low greenhouse gas development. The G20 as group of the leading industrial nations and emerging economies, being responsible for 80% of global greenhouse gas emissions, provides an important platform for joint action towards implementing the Paris Agreement.
Press Release
Emerging economies catch up / European countries loose speed / Japan, Australia and Canada worst performers of all industrialized countries
With the historic Paris Agreement having recently entered into force, this year’s Climate Change Performance Index (CCPI) 2017 confirms a boost for renewable energy and positive developments in energy efficiency. While these encouraging trends are happening on a global scale, the necessary energy revolution is still happening too slowly. Jan Burck, Germanwatch, key author of the CCPI comments: "The conditions for a global energy revolution have never been better. Due to the falling costs of renewable energy and efficiency technologies, national governments have no more excuses not to enshrine the Paris Agreement into national law."
A comparison of the 58 top CO2 emitting nations
Under the Paris Agreement, climate action was anchored in the context of international law. This requires countries to make their own unique contribution to the prevention of dangerous climate change. The next crucial step to follow this agreement is the rapid implementation by the signing parties of concrete measures to make their individual contributions to the global goal. For the past 12 years, the Climate Change Performance Index (CCPI) has been keeping track of countries’ efforts in combating climate change. The varying initial positions, interests and strategies of the numerous countries make it difficult to distinguish their strengths and weaknesses and the CCPI has been an important tool in contributing to a clearer understanding of national and international climate policy.
The Climate Change Performance Index is an instrument designed to enhance transparency in international climate politics. Its aim is to put political and social pressure on those countries which have, up until now, failed to take ambitious action on climate protection. It also aims to highlight those countries with best prac-tice climate policies.
Press Release
Host continent of climate summit mostly affected by last year's floodings / Since 1996 climatic events claimed more than 530,000 lives, and resulted in multi-trillion dollar damages
Africa is the continent that was hit hardest by extreme weather events in 2015. According to the 12th edition of the Global Climate Risk Index, four out of the ten most impacted countries globally are African: Mozambique (Rank 1), Malawi (Rank 3), Ghana and Madagascar (both Rank 8). "Especially flooding affected the hosting continent of this year's climate summit", says Germanwatch's Sönke Kreft, main author of the Index. Heat waves claimed most lives last year. More than 4,300 deaths in India and more than 3,300 deaths in France show that both developing and developed countries are impacted by extraordinary temperatures. Kreft: "Increases in heavy precipitation, flooding and heatwaves are to be expected in a warming world."
Blog post by Boris Schinke, November 2016
Boris Schinke, Senior Advisor Energy and Development, interviewed Safa Al Jayoussi, head of the Climate and Energy campaign of the NGO "Indyact" based in Lebaon and Jordan. She is also the co-coordinator of the Climate Action Network Arab World.
Closing the Climate Risk Gap
In December 2015 the Paris Agreement was adopted, in November 2016 it will come into force. A transformation of the energy-, transport- and agricultural sector is needed, to be able to implement the goals agreed upon and to limit global warming to 1.5°C/well below 2°C.

Real name

Politische Leitung Berlin /
Vertretung der Politischen Geschäftsführung bis 15.6.24

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Referentin für Klima und Entwicklung – Indien

Real name

Bereichsleiter Internationale Klimapolitik

Themenseiten der UN-Klimakonferenzen

2023: COP28 in Dubai

2022: COP27 in Sharm El Sheikh

2021: COP26 in Glasgow/UK

2019: COP25 in Madrid/Spanien

2018: COP24 in Katowice/Polen

2017: COP23 in Bonn/Deutschland

2016: COP22 in Marrakesch/Marokko

2015: COP21 in Paris/Frankreich

2014: COP20 in Lima/Peru


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