The Climate Case: Saúl versus RWE

The Climate Case: Saúl vs. RWE

For the first time, a company responsible for climate change faces legal charges in Europe: Today, the Peruvian farmer and mountain guide Saúl Luciano Lliuya is filing a lawsuit against the German utility RWE at the Regional Court in Essen, Germany. The reason: The energy company’s immense emissions threaten his family, his property as well as a large part of his home city of Huaraz.

Note: This page is outdated and is no longer updated regularly. Please have a look at our new website on the RWE case. There you will find all relevant background information, legal justifications and ways to support Saúl and the case.


The "RWE Case" at a glance

The "RWE Case" at a glance:

2022: After a long delay, the court hearing in the Andean city of Huaraz took place in May. Judges of the Higher Regional Court (OLG) of Hamm, legal advisors and experts travelled to Peru to check whether the plaintiff's house is actually threatened by a possible flood wave from the Palcacocha glacial lake above the city.

2020: Unfortunately, the taking of evidence in Huaraz will be further delayed due to the Corona-crisis and resulting travel restrictions.

2019: On the recommendation of the experts, the Higher Regional Court of Hamm has made a request to the State of Peru to be allowed to inspect the premises that are the subject of the lawsuit. The Court is at present awaiting response from the competent authorities, which can take quite some time to process.

September 2018: The experts selected by the Higher Regional Court of Hamm accept their appointment. They will provide an opinion on the question of wether or not there is a serious threat of impairment to the plaintiff‘s property. If this question is answered positively, there will be taking of evidence with regards to the defendant‘s part of responsibility for this impairment due to RWE‘s CO₂ emissions.

July 2018: Since plaintiff and defendant cannot agree on experts for the taking of evidence, the Higher Regional Court of Hamm announces that it will select them itself.

25.02.2018 and 14.03.2018: The Higher Regional Court of Hamm clearly rejects two statements of objection filed by RWE’s lawyers against the Court’s Order for the Hearing of Evidence and states once again: climate damages can give rise to corporate liability.

30.11.2017: The Higher Regional Court Hamm announces its decision to enter into the evidentiary stage thereby writing legal history.

13.11.2017: The appeal at the Higher District Court Hamm is scheduled as an oral hearing.

26.01.2017: Saúl Luciano Lliuya files an appeal before the Higher Regional Court Hamm against the negative ruling of the Regional Court Essen.

15.12.2016: The District Court Essen dismisses the civil lawsuit against RWE.

24.11.2016: The first oral hearing takes place amid great national and international interest – the decision was adjourned.

June 2016: In its statement of defence, RWE disputes its own responsibility for climate change induced damage in the Andes and denies that Huaraz even faces a risk of flooding.

24.11.2015: Saúl Luciano Lliuya files the lawsuit, which is classified by the District Court Essen as "a legal matter with fundamental significance".

News on the RWE Case

Press Release
Independent scientific study by researchers from the University of Oxford and University of Washington offers a clear conclusion: Human activity has caused at least 85% of warming that led to glacial retreat above Huaraz

The Coronavirus pandemic has delayed the collection of evidence in the trial between the Peruvian farmer Saúl Luciano Lliuya and the German utility RWE at the Upper State Court in Hamm (Germany). Nevertheless, a new scientific study is providing credence to the legal claim: a prestigious team of researchers has used climate models to demonstrate that the risk of glacial lake flooding affecting the city of Huaraz is almost entirely due to anthropogenic climate change.

Watch the video of the online event on 5 years "Huaraz Case"
Five years ago, legal history in terms of climate protection was written: Thanks to the courageous filing of a civil lawsuit against RWE, Europe's largest CO2 emitter, by the Peruvian mountain guide and farmer Saúl Luciano Lliuya in November 2015. To celebrate this important milestone, Saúl Luciano Lliuya, his lawyer and his supporters*, came together to look back on the past five years, take stock and venture a look into the future. Watch the video of the event.
Am 24. November 2015 zog Saúl Luciano Lliuya aus der peruanischen Andenstadt Huaraz für den Schutz seines Lebensraumes vor ein deutsches Gericht. Er reichte seine Klage ein, um einen der größten Emittenten für die Folgen seiner klimaschädlichen Wirtschaftsweise haftbar zu machen. Mit dem Fall Huaraz wurde juristisches Neuland betreten. Inzwischen ist es eine weltweit wahrgenommene Musterklage, die es in die Beweisaufnahme geschafft hat und eine Signalwirkung wie keine andere Klage entfaltet.
Journalist Simon Roach of Channel 4 News examines the question along the lines of the „Huaraz Case“

In a recent video feature, British television station Channel 4 News poses the question "Who should pay to fix the climate emergency?". Journalist Simon Roach vividly explains why this is a question of fairness and justice, bringing together the various dimensions that form part of the answer: Starting at the industrial revolution, he looks at individual countries’ contributions to climate change, explains the sometimes confusing world of climate diplomacy, describes climate impacts and the resulting need for climate finance.

Before the COVID-19 outbreak, the Higher Regional Court of Hamm had increasingly envisaged the on-site visit in Huaraz in the context of the taking of evidence in this high profile climate lawsuit. Now, unfortunately, it will be further delayed due to the crisis and resulting travel restrictions.

Zitat: Kläger Saúl Luciano LLiuya

"I am happy to have become active and it overwhelms me how much interest and support I have received in my country and around the world. This gives me the courage and strength to move forward. Climate change affects all countries in the world. Therefore we have to stand up for justice."

- Saúl Luciano Lliuya, 21.03.2015

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