Innovative Finance Sources

A Complement to Strong Country Contributions for GCF Replenishment?

The Green Climate Fund (GCF) is the world’s largest dedicated fund for climate action. By the end of this year it will have distributed all USD 10.2 billion of its initial resource mobilisation to over 102 projects in 97 countries, and we hope have raised twice as much again in its first formal replenishment.

News | 03 June 2019

Empowerment for Climate Leadership - Newsletter (06)


Dear all,

We hope that you are all well and keep on applying your ECL-knowledge in your daily lives! It has been half a year since you last met in Germany/ Tanzania for your evaluation seminar. It is more than two years of learning and working together under ECL. It is therefore time that we look back for a long-term evaluation. – Would be very helpful if you can fill out the short online questionnaire until June 10th. Thanks!
In ECL-Newsletter No. 6 we give you an update on interesting news and CAN Tanzania & Germanwatch work.

Best wishes!