‘Mayla, Esma and Lukas are to get their own mobile phones. The three of them can hardly wait and want to know as much as possible about their future companions. ...’ This is how the new innovative brochure on the sustainable and conscious use of mobile phones begins, which is aimed at educational multipliers for German, Arabic and Turkish-speaking young adults.
Further and additional information about ‘Check your mobile phone!’
We can also buy newer models second-hand - even with a guarantee from some providers. They are cheaper and have less impact on people and the environment because no new mobile phones have to be manufactured.
- Repair tips: www.kaputt.de
- Repair Cafés: www.reparatur-initiativen.de
- Repair instructions and spare parts for many mobile phones: https://de.ifixit.com
- Online game ‘Handy Crash’ about mobile phone recycling, raw material extraction and mobile phone production (similar to ‘Candy Crush’): www.handycrash.org
- Alternatives to WhatsApp: www.verbraucherzentrale.de/wissen/digitale-welt/datenschutz/whatsappalternativen-die-datenschutzregeln-im-ueberblick-13055
- Special tips for the Android and iOS operating systems can be found at: www.heise.de/download/specials/Smartphones-sicherer-nutzen-3148936
- Information on raw materials in electrical appliances from the North Rhine-Westphalia Consumer Advice Centre: www.vz-nrw.de/handyrohstoffe
- The following search engine shows the SAR values (radiation intensity) of current mobile phones: www.bfs.de/SiteGlobals/Forms/Suche/BfS/DE/SARsuche_Formular.htm
Materialien für Lehrerinnen und Lehrer
- Überblick über Bildungsmaterialien für die Schule, Die Handy-Aktion, 2017: www.handy-aktion.de/materialien/unterricht-sekundarstufe-i-und-ii/
- Alle Bildungsmaterialien von Germanwatch: www.germanwatch.org/de/bildungsmaterialien
- Germanwatch Rohstoffexpedition - Vom Weltall ins Klassenzimmer: Der Blick von oben zeigt unser verwundbares System Erde. (ausgehend von Beobachtungen auf Satellitenbildern in zwei 90-minütigen Unterrichtseinheiten): www.germanwatch.org/de/germanwatch-rohstoffexpedition
Germanwatch - Contact persons
Workshops 'Check your phone'
Germanwatch offers workshops to present the educational material and organises educational speakers on the topic. We look forward to your enquiry!
A workshop has already taken place on 25.9.17 in Berlin an on 14.12.17 in Paderborn.