The Paris Agreement sets an irreversible direction for countries to tackle the climate crisis and pursue sustainable development. However, the Agreement still has to show that it can trigger the necessary ambition of action. One potential way to accelerate action are transformative implementation partnerships. Countries bi- or plurilaterally can work on transformational strategies to close the implementation gap and making this a win-win-strategy for people and planet. These partnerships could lead by example and set a signal of their strong commitment – also in face of 2020 being a year with a G7 presidency that announced to withdrew from the Paris Agreement. To discuss how implementation partnerships can accelerate action towards the commonly agreed long-term goals – limiting temperature rise, building resilience and re-directing financial flows - Germanwatch will host the Faster Forward Together Conference during the UNFCCC Bonn Climate Change Conference. With representatives from governments, civil society, the private sector and science, we want to discuss:
- What are potentials and possibilities to strengthen international climate policy through implementation partnerships?
- What cooperation do countries need to implement the Paris Agreement? Which sector- and country specific hurdles can be overcome by focused co-operation?
- What is the potential for developing implementation partnerships for different countries?
We cordially invite you to attend our “Faster Forward Together” Conference 2019.
- Date and time: Saturday 22 June 2019, 9 a.m. – 3 p.m.
- Location: Bonn - Wissenschaftszentrum, Ahrstraße 45, 53175 Bonn
- Participation in the conference is free of charge.
- RSVP: Kindly confirm your participation to ff2019@germanwatch.org until 18 June 2019. Please use the registration form provided below. Due to limited space, we recommend early registration.
There will be space for discussion with the panelists and interactive opportunities for input into the conference paper, which will summarize the results of the discussion and give recommendations for the development of implementation partnerships. Your contribution and participation in the conference will be very valuable.
We therefore hope to welcome you in Bonn.
Please use this link for registration ff2019@germanwatch.org