G7 in 2022: Towards a Green G7 Hydrogen Action Pact

First Page of the Policy Brief

In May 2022, the G7 environment, climate, and energy ministers announced the launch of the G7 Hydrogen Action Pact (G7-HAP), which prioritises six areas for the G7 to support the development of a global low-carbon and green hydrogen market. Germany should use its remaining G7 presidency to specify these areas. Most importantly, the G7 should clearly focus their activities on green hydrogen and work on establishing sustainability standards right at the beginning of the market ramp-up.

We recommend that the G7

  1. Specify the goals, functions, and timelines of the G7 HAP
  2. Increase the added value compared to other multilateral hydrogen programmes
  3. Put clear emphasis on green hydrogen 
  4. Go beyond a mere exchange of best practices on sustainable hydrogen production and develop a proper set of sustainability standards
  5. Develop a joint vision on a credible monitoring and certification system

Publication data

Andrea Triki, Kuat Abeshev, Alexandra Goritz, and David Ryfisch
Permalink: https://www.germanwatch.org/en/node/87297