A Portrait of China’s Climate Policy

A Portrait of China's Climate Policy

This discussion paper elaborates 10 central themes on the measures that China is taking and will take to combat climate change in the dimensions of political and civil society. The paper identifies areas where the EU and China can further co-operate to resolve the shared dilemmas of social and economic development and climate security. The paper aims to facilitate a "shared understanding" between China and its world counterparts, and to thereby help dredge the channel for the passage of a successful and meaningful post-2012 climate change mitigation agreement. And in order to establish a foundation for this "shared understanding", from Theme 1 to Theme 6, official statements have been quoted to give a "portrait" of China's climate policy, for Theme 7 official statements from both China and the EU have been summarized. In themes 8 to 10, a commentary by the author is given from the perspective of civil society.

>> German Version

Cheng Qian
Publication date
Document type
Discussion Paper
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Nominal fee
5.00 EUR

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