News | 01 January 2018

Empowerment for Climate Leadership - Newsletter (01)

Empowerment for Climate Leadership - Newsleter (01)

Dear all,

We hope you are doing well!

We are looking forward to the big events coming up in 2018. It will start with a meeting of the German group in April, the UNFCCC SB in May with a meeting of the ECL International Advisory Board and our big second exchange in Tanzania in June.

We are sorry that we are kind of late for our first ECL-News for Module 6. Right now, we thought it would be better to summarize the news for Module 6 and 7. We will keep our news quite short; because we think, you have a lot of good stuff to read right now about the African renewable initiative.

News from the ECL-PROJECT

  1. The online modules:
    Kelvine is busy to finish online module 8. Now that you are working on module 6 about AREI and 7 about energy transition, feel free to give us feedback. Then we can adjust the upcoming modules. Module 8 will be about energy transition. So if you have any material you want to share with all the others in the module, please give it to Kelvine.
  2. Publications:
    Cornelius is still correcting and translating your SDG-Sheets. Unfortunately, this takes us a little longer then we hoped. We will try to speed up the process a little so that you can have your SDG-Sheets back with a professional layout. We will prepare more information on copyrights as well as good or illegal quoting.
  3. Method and Resource Board:
    Both boards are in progress and will be ready hopefully until the end of March. Cornelius already gave you access to both boards. Please recognize that they still need some work from Cornelius’ side. However, if you want to help or add something new you are more than welcome. If you find something is missing, complete it as you like.
  4. Administrative work:
    The interim proof for our project is coming up. If someone of you is interested in the documents we have to use for it, you can find them on the website of weltwärts in the section “Reports on the expenditure of funds” ( We are also looking for more co-funding for the project. We already applied to a funding from Erbacher foundation (
  5. Additional Advisory Board Meeting in Bonn:
    Just a short information for you all: The Advisory Board will have another meeting before our exchange visit in Tanzania organized by Germanwatch and CAN Tanzania! It will be during the UNFCCC SB-Meetings (April 30th to May 10th) and the included ACE-Event for Climate Education in the first week of May. We will keep you updated about the outcomes of the meeting of our advising experts.