Empowerment for Climate Leadership - A two-year exchange project between Germany and Tanzania
The project Empowerment for Climate Leadership started in February 2017, bringing together young Germans and Tanzanians interested in shaping a sustainable future. The different phases of the project are determined by the "Climate Resilience and Sustainability Young Leaders Training Course 2017/2018", which was created by the two project partners CAN Tanzania and Germanwatch. The goal is to empower young activists from Tanzania and Germany and to create an international exchange about climate protection and sustainable development.
On this page you will learn and read more about the project and the experiences of the participants.
About – Partners, Content, Participants
The Empowerment for Climate Leadership exchange project: What do the participants learn in the online course and the exchanges? Who is taking part in the project? And what does the project partner CAN Tanzania do apart from ECL?
Articles on the project
The core phases of the ECL exchange project are documented here, allowing for a summarized overview of the two exchanges and the intermediate phases. Moreover, an article on the new role of Germanwatch in the AGYI (African German Youth Initiative) shows one part of the results of the project.
Voices of participants – experiences and learnings
Throughout the project, the participants document their personal learning experiences, usually in twinning teams of a German and a Tanzanian partner. The reports are oriented alongside the different modules of the project, consequently focusing on SDG content, climate change, intercultural encounters and group experience.
Newsletters & Publications
The advisory board, the CAN Tanzania office and all of the participants are regularly updated by a trimestrial newsletter. The newsletter includes current updates of the project and of the exchange organizations CAN Tanzania and Germanwatch as well as input on the topic of climate change and the SDGs.