Energy in Jordan

A Youth Perspective Position Paper

Cover Energy in Jordan

This paper was written by young Jordanians to outline their vision for the future development of the energy sector in Jordan.

The energy sector is the largest source of global greenhouse gas emissions. However, as technologies rapidly improve and prices drop, many renewable energy options have emerged. The Middle East/North Africa (MENA) region possesses large natural potentials for solar and wind energy. Moreover, this region has another important resource: its youth. In order to achieve a successful energy transition, all countries need agents of change, who bring along innovation and motivation – just like young people can do.

Jordan is one of the pioneers in the energy sector of the MENA region. In cooperation with the Friedrich-Ebert-Foundation (FES) and the Green Generation Foundation (GGF), Germanwatch works to empower young Jordanians to engage in energy policy-related issues. The following policy paper is an occasion for young Jordanian authors to present their views, as well as for decision-makers to learn first-hand what energy future young Jordanians would like to see.

The chapters of the paper focus on energy efficiency, transportation, mainstreaming of renewable energies and the democratization of the national energy system. The authors have a common and crosscutting vision, which is to achieve in Jordan an integrated, affordable, sustainable, efficient, independent energy system with 50% of renewable energies in the national energy mix by 2038.

Publication data

Amjad Khashman, Kareem Shukri, Qusai Al-Abbassi, Mohammad Aliwat, Ehab Al-Amleh, Sewar Taweel, Safa Al-Momani, Sarah Haddadin, Leen Baddar, Yousef Awawdeh
Type of publication:
Position Paper