
Publikationstyp und Themenbereich Titel Datum
Policy Brief
Climate Change
The challenges of the Green Climate Fund's multi-country projects and programmes
Policy Brief
Climate Change
Consistency case study: actions supporting Article 2.1c of the Paris Agreement in Germany
Policy Brief
The significance of climate litigation for the political debate on Loss & Damage
Klimaschutz-Index, Indizes
Internationale Klimapolitik
The Climate Change Performance Index 2023: Results
Klimaschutz-Index, Indizes
Internationale Klimapolitik
The Climate Change Performance Index 2023: Background and Methodology
Position Paper
Internationale Klimapolitik
Principles for Just Energy Transition Partnerships in the African Energy Context
Policy Brief
Internationale Klimapolitik
Three recommendations on how to build a successful international green hydrogen market
Background Paper
International Climate Policy in Times of Geopolitical Challenge
Working Paper
Climate Change
Aligning Policy-Based Finance with the Paris Agreement
Internationale Klimapolitik
Climate Transparency Report 2022