Three recommendations on how to build a successful international green hydrogen market

First page of the briefing paper

The availability of green hydrogen on an industrial scale and at affordable prices will determine the prospects of industry decarbonisation. What are necessary steps for the EU and other G7 nations to speed up a successful green hydrogen market?

Based on a discussion with key stakeholders from civil society, industry, politics, and think tanks, organised by Germanwatch and Stiftung KlimaWirtschaft, we make three main recommendations:

First: Finalise strong enabling regulatory frameworks to create demand, mobilise investments, and roll out green hydrogen projects

Second: Build sustainable and people-centred hydrogen partnerships

Third: Prevent a race to the bottom and lead the way forward in international fora beyond G7

Publication data

Alexandra Goritz, Andrea Triki, Kuat Abeshev, and David Ryfisch (Germanwatch) & Ronja Busch and Till Kötter (Stiftung KlimaWirtschaft)