Titelbild: Deutsche Klimapolitik

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The current geopolitical context is pushing the Weimar Triangle of France, Germany, and Poland to prioritise defence and security. NGOs, think tanks, and businesses argue that a ‘Green Weimar Triangle’ could not only safeguard achieving the EU climate goals but also address critical issues of economic competitiveness and cohesion.

Open letter to the French, German and Polish Ministers of Climate and Environment and Ministers Foreign Affairs

The EU’s ability to enact ambitious climate policies relies on effective leadership and demonstrated commitment from influential Member States. Representatives from leading think tanks, environmental NGOs, businesses, and scientific institutions in France, Germany, and Poland, are calling for the establishment of a 'Green Weimar Triangle' to renew trilateral climate dialogue among the three countries.

Implications of the 2023 Africa Climate Summit

The first Africa Climate Summit in September 2023 marked a milestone in global climate politics. African countries made clear that they want to actively shape the global climate debate to seize the opportunities of the green transformation and shake the perception of being mere victims of the climate crisis. In this briefing, we highlight the three main topics of the Summit – finance, renewable energy, and resilience – and offer recommendations for German climate foreign policy with regard to African countries in 2024 as the German government is revising its Africa Policy Guidelines.

Expectations for COP28 Outcomes in Dubai

We take a look at the geopolitical situation providing the frame for the UN climate talks COP28 in Dubai and identify the most important topics for the negotiations. We also outline what we expect COP28 to deliver, in terms of decisions that mitigate climate change, build resilience and provide finance for the people who need it.

Germany’s Ministry for Economic Affairs has announced new climate related sector guidelines for export credit guarantees and investment guarantees that would prevent support for almost all new fossil fuel projects from 1 November onwards. A limited number of gas projects may still receive support if they fulfil national security requirements or prove they can aid short term supply shortages, which is unlikely to be the case. Third countries are concerned about the potential drop in investment; this should be addressed by investing the billions now saved from servicing fossil fuel projects in clean energy instead.

Hydrogen has caught significant attention from a wide range of stakeholders in EU Member States. Its potential remains largely untapped as, to date, European national hydrogen strategies typically do not feature sound sectoral targets for the use of hydrogen. The EUKI project 'Greening H2' commissioned a study from Bruegel, a Brussels-based think tank, which investigates the potential for and implications of renewable hydrogen deployment in Germany, Portugal, and Poland. It explores their respective national strategies, summarises core elements, and critically evaluates and places them in the broader EU hydrogen plans.

Deutschland überarbeitet derzeit seinen Nationalen Energie- und Klimaplan (NECP) für 2030. Darin werden Maßnahmen festgelegt, um die Klimaziele zu erreichen. Doch der Plan wird nicht allein von Politiker:innen bestimmt, sondern auch von der Zivilgesellschaft mitgestaltet. Sylwia Andralojc-Bodych und Charly Heberer von Germanwatch erklären in einem kurzen Video, wo noch Verbesserungspotenzial besteht, damit Deutschland seine Klimaziele tatsächlich erreicht.
Enabling industrial transformation in Germany

Steering the steel industry towards a climate-neutral future is a major challenge. However, it is also a great opportunity: steel sector is responsible for approximately 30% of industrial greenhouse gas emissions in Germany – and, by extension, for 7% of national emissions. This means that a climate-neutral steel industry will allow us to take a major step closer to meeting the German and international climate targets. This policy paper highlights how we can get there and which technologies will play a key role.

Press Release
Germanwatch, NewClimate Institute and CAN International published the 18th edition of the Climate Change Performance Index (CCPI): Denmark, Sweden, Chile, Morocco and India lead the ranking this year / Iran, Saudi Arabia and Kazakhstan come in last / The US and China perform very low — though the US rises three ranks compared with last year, whilst China drops 13 ranks

The current energy crisis clearly demonstrates how the world remains dependent on fossil fuels. However, there is a number of countries that have a better standing than others. They took ambitious steps in climate mitigation and rapidly developed energy efficiency and renewable energies. Today, Germanwatch, NewClimate Institute and CAN International published the Climate Change Performance Index (CCPI) 2023, a ranking of the 59 largest emitters worldwide

Expectations of COP27

This background paper provides an overview of the most important negotiation topics of COP27, which will take place in Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt, from 6 to 18 November. There is no doubt that the impact of Russia's war against Ukraine will be the dominant topic of this year's global climate conference. At the same time, participants should be aware that the impacts of climate change have no regard for the geopolitical situation.


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Bereichsleiter Deutsche und Europäische Klimapolitik

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Kampagne '100 Prozent Zukunft'

Logo: 100 Prozent Zukunft

Einhundert Prozent Erneuerbare Energien in Deutschland und der EU bis 2050 – das war die Kernforderung der Kampagne „100 Prozent Zukunft“. Um dieses Ziel zu erreichen, konnten BürgerInnen, Organisationen und Wirtschaftsvertreter ihre Projekte lokal vernetzen und Politiker vor Ort motivieren, für die Energiewende aktiv zu werden. Das Team Deutsche und EU-Klimapolitik setzt die Arbeit der Kampagne bei Germanwatch auf mehreren Ebenen fort, etwa durch ein Handbuch zu Bürgerbeteiligung beim Stromnetzausbau.

>> Deutsche und Europäische Klimapolitik
>> Stichwort "Energiewende"
>> "Investitionen & Energiewende"
>> KlimaKompakt Nr. 79: Internationale Wahrnehmung der deutschen Energiewende