Press Release |

Climate Change Performance Index 2020: Decreasing emissions in 31 out of 57 high emitting countries / But more ambition and accelerated action needed / USA for the first time replaces Saudi Arabia as worst performing country / Sweden continues to lead


… the large climate polluters do hardly anything for the transformational shift we need to deep emissions reductions …

portal page |

The Empowerment for Climate Leadership shall give opportunities for young participants to learn both – European and Southern perspectives on climate protection, climate policy and sustainable development.


… present in my memories. It gave me hope that a sustainable transformation of our society was still possible. I remember …

portal page | Foto aller Teilnehmenden der Herbstklausur

Publication |

The recommendations are an important step towards making use of the financial markets’ leverage on climate change, and they send a strong signal to the German coalition talks and the EU Commission’s action plan. Still, some aspects need to be improved in the implementation phase.


… and the opportunities of a sustainable, climate-compatible transformation, the market failure caused by imperfect … perspectives . In order to induce the sustainable transformation of the economy and to manage related … sustainability taxonomy does not seem to display a dynamic transformation perspective, either. The backward-looking …

Press Release |

China and India are rapidly scaling up renewable energies and are both on track to meet their climate targets | Climate policies of new US administration may constrain investment climate but good prospects for renewables to continue their boom anyways


… US from a climate perspective. For achieving the worldwide transformation with stable trends and good conditions …

Press Release |

G20 countries as driver for global implementation of Paris Agreement - Joint proposal by industry association, environmental organization and research institute


… Development Goals and to accelerate the structural transformation towards a low-carbon economy. The price …