Deckblatt: The Climate Change Performance Index 2008
A comparison of the 56 top CO2 emitting nations
The Climate Change Performance Index (CCPI) is an innovative instrument that enhances transparency in international climate politics. On the basis of standardised criteria the index evaluates and compares the climate protection performances of the 56 countries that, together, are responsible for more than 90 percent of global energy-related CO2 emissions.
Press Release
Climate Summit in Bali held in the region most affected by weather catastrophes in 2006
The environment and development organisation Germanwatch and the Munich Reinsurance today presented the Climate Risk Index (CRI) at the UN climate negotiations in Bali. The Index shows that less developed countries often suffer far more from storms, floods and weather extremes than industrialized nations. In 2006, Asia was particularly affected.
Deckblatt: Climate Change Performance Index 2007
A comparison of the 56 top CO2 emitting nations
The Climate Change Performance Index (CCPI) is an innovative instrument that enhances transparency in international climate politics. On the basis of standardised criteria the index evaluates and compares the climate protection performances of the 56 countries that, together, are responsible for more than 90 percent of global energy-induced CO2 emissions. The objective of the index is to increase the political and societal pressure on those countries, which up to now have failed to take initiatives in climate protection and which still neglect the importance of the issue.
Climate change risk reporting in the annual reports 2006 of the European automobile industry

This survey analyses and evaluates the annual reports 2006 - audited by accountants - of major European automobile companies concerning appropriate reporting of climate change related risks and uncertainties. The reports were analysed with respect to whether they meet the requirements of the Directive 78/660/EEC and whether financial and non-financial key performance indicators relevant to particular businesses were included. 

This concise study shall help clarify the rights of, in particular, non-government organizations (NGOs) to disclose documents by the participants of, and facts gathered during, dispute settlement proceedings under the OECD Guidelines; as well as whether other, third parties, have a right to documents from dispute settlement proceedings. For this purpose, the dispute settlement mechanism shall be described and divided into three stages.
Climate Damaging Business Strategy Violates OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises
Der Automobilkonzern Volkswagen trägt aufgrund seiner klimaschädlichen Produktpalette in ungebührlichem Maße zum menschgemachten Klimawandel bei. Die Konzernstrategie - einschließlich der Lobbyaktivitäten - stimmt derzeit nicht mit dem erklärten Politikziel der EU überein, die Erderwärmung auf weniger…
Press Release
Winners score - 'average' on global 'climate' curve
Sweden again ranks in first position in the current Climate Change Performance Index (CCPI 2008). However, even those at the top of the class - Sweden achieved two thirds of the total score - only achieve average grades. The index is published annually by Germanwatch and CAN-Europe and compares the climate protection performances of 56 industrialised countries and emerging economies which together account for more than 90 per cent of global energy-related CO2 emissions.
Deckblatt: Flyer Climate Expedition
The Germanwatch Climate Expedition is targeting students from the age of ten years on all over Germany. More and more teachers, trainers, social groups and religious groups are asking for presentations for internal or external climate education events.
Deckblatt: Climate Risk Index 2006
Weather-related loss events and their impacts on countries in 2004 and in a long-term comparison
The Global Climate Risk Index 2006 analyses how much countries and country groups have been affected by the impacts of weather-related loss even
Deckblatt: Climate Change Performance Index 2006
A Comparison of the TOP 53 CO2 Emitting Nations
The Climate Change Performance Index (CCPI) is an innovative instrument that brings more transparency into international climate politics. On the basis of standardised criteria, it evaluates and compares the climate protection performance of the 53 countries that, together, are responsible for more than 90 percent of the world-wide energy-related CO2 emissions. The goal of the index is to increase the political and societal pressure on those countries that have neglected their homework on climate change up to now.