Press Release
Climate Change Performance Index: Brazil knocks Sweden down a notch
The fifth Climate Change Performance Index (CCPI) [1] – a worldwide national ranking of climate performance - was published today by Germanwatch and Climate Action Network (CAN) Europe, Europe's leading network for climate and energy issues. The annual report ranks countries based on which ones show the strongest climate protection performance relative to one another, comparing 57 industrialised countries and emerging economies [2]. This year’s index showed Brazil to be the biggest mover, knocking the usually strongest player Sweden farther down the scale.
Results of October 2009 expert elicitation on climate change related litigation risks

The main result of the October 2009 expert elicitation on climate change related litigation risks is an expected increase of claims frequency both for damage directly related to CO2 / GHG emissions and for damage indirectly caused by climate change. Among those experts who think that these claims are basically possible to grant, the majority expects the first successful claims to occur within the next six years. 

Observed and expected impacts of the current financial crisis on the investment industry's consideration of ESG and climate-related issues

This paper assesses potential impacts of the current financial crisis on the investment industry's efforts to integrate environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues in general, and climate change issues in particular, in its products and processes. 

Deckblatt: Germanwatch Flyer English
Who we are and what we want to achieve: “Observing, Analysing, Acting” under this motto Germanwatch has been engaged since 1991 for global equity and the preservation of livelihoods.
Press Release
CCPI 2009 report: no country on track to prevent dangerous climate change
Rising absolute global emissions and increasing emissions per unit of GDP on a world-wide scale over the last few years give the backdrop to the results of the 4th edition of the Climate Change Performance Index (CCPI). The Climate Change Performance Index published annually by Germanwatch and Climate Action Network Europe compares the climate protection performance of 57 industrialised countries and emerging economies. Together they account for more than 90% of global energy related CO2 emissions.
Climate change risk reporting in the annual reports of the European automobile industry
2nd Edition - Covering Reports 2007

This paper is a follow-up study that analyses and evaluates the audited parts of the management reports / annual reports 2007 of major European automobile companies. Main focus is the analysis and evaluation of appropriate reporting of climate change related risks and uncertainties. The annual reports were analysed with respect to whether they meet the requirements of the Directive 78/660/EEC and whether financial and non-financial key performance indicators relevant to particular businesses were included. It takes only into account the parts which were audited by accountants. 

Cover: Climate change, food security and the right to adequate food
Climate change threatens to make the already difficult situation of food security in the world even worse. The Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) - based on the evaluation of many scientific studies - has made a critical assessment of the possible impacts of climate change on agriculture, livestock and fishing, particularly in the countries of the tropics and sub-tropics.
A Brief Legal Opinion: Minimum Benchmarks for Reporting of Companies on (Climate) Risks under European Law
An Analysis Of Italian, French And German Law

The brief legal opinion analyses the obligations of automobile companies in Germany, France and Italy in regard to the European Community and domestic law for reporting of climate change and oil price risks. Reporting of those risks is of special interest for shareholders and investors alike.


In this paper Germanwatch summarises the recent and current journey of international climate politics. It began with the failed climate conference in Nairobi in 2006, started a new process in Bali 2007, will stop over in Poznan (December 2008) and shall lead to a new climate treaty in Copenhagen 2009. As a starting point for orientation the paper discusses different policy scenarios in a warming world.

A Portrait of China's Climate Policy
This discussion paper elaborates 10 central themes on the measures that China is taking and will take to combat climate change in the dimensions of political and civil society. The paper identifies areas where the EU…