Cover AC5
All Hands on Deck!
The Adaptation Committee (AC) is the UNFCCC´s key adaptation body aiming to increase the coherence and promote coordination on matters related to adaptation. This briefing paper briefly summarizes major discussion points for the upcoming 5th meeting of Adaptation Committee, that takes place from the 5 - 7th March, 2014 in Bonn.
Cover MENA CSO Mapping
Civil society actors are key agents of a transformation into a post-fossil society. They can influence policy-making and shape the awareness of the general public and specific constituencies, such as consumers, workers and farmers. With the aim to increase civil society involvement in the fields of renewable energy, low carbon development and climate protection in the MENA region, this study provides an overview of around 40 civil society and non-governmental organisations (CSOs/NGOs) from 12 MENA countries which would be interested to increase their political engagement.
Cover Explanations
These worksheets are suited for natural and social science lessons for upper secondary education (some also suitable for pupils from the tenth grade onwards). In addition to the general description of the interactions and causes, they address the possible effects of climate change, especially in their regional differentiation. It is important to look at the issue of “climate change” not only from an environmental point of view but also to include the development dimension and the question of equity. This is the focus of the worksheets and the corresponding materials by offering the opportunity to draw up different case studies from developing countries, which the pupils can use in the exercises.
Cover GB and HR
Putting Germany to the Test
Over the last few years NGOs have criticized numerous human rights violations in which German corporations were directly or indirectly involved. Blatant violations of human rights are occurring for instance in agriculture, in manufacturing and in the extractive industries. Germanwatch and MISEREOR have documented these cases in a report.
Cover General Issues
General issues
This teaching unit focuses on the causes and effects of climate change in general, and the issue of culprits and victims in particular. This basic module should allow the pupils to gain the basic knowledge for the following modules, which are conceived as case studies.
Cover Glaciers
Glacial lake outburst floods in Nepal and Switzerland
This teaching module not only looks into the problem of glacial melting, but also at the still largely unknown consequences of this development, such as glacial lake outburst floods. Using two case studies, the pupils examine more closely the impacts on and options for action open to an industrialised country (Switzerland) and a developing country (Nepal).
Cover Sea level rise
Consequences for coastal and lowland areas: Bangladesh and the Netherlands
With this teaching module, the school pupils are given the opportunity to compare and look at the effects of the phenomenon of climate change both in an industrialised and in a developing country.
Cover Tuvalu
The threat of rising sea levels for the small island nation of Tuvalu
Using a specific case study, pupils learn about the direct consequences of climate change for the inhabitants of a Pacific island state. The teaching module provides general information about climate change as well as looking at an entirely different perspective.
Cover Rainforests
The lesson modules below address an issue which will already be known to pupils from the lower secondary grades. Tropical rainforests play an important role time and again – and not only in geography lessons.
Cover Food security
Trends and key challenges
The materials presented here give pupils the opportunity to work through the links between the areas of food security and global climate change. These connections, intensifying as they are in a world of increasing globalisation and constant change, are examined throughout the various regions and in a more detailed way.