Cover Policy Brief GCF
This policy brief, prepared in the context of the Climate Finance Advisory Service (, discussed options and important aspects for enhancing direct access in the Green Climate Fund. Key messages include ...
Cover AC Outcome
From 18 to 20 June the Adaptation Committee (AC) met for the third time. The meeting took place in Bonn, back-to-back with the Standing Committee on Finance (SCF). This very much owed to the fact that the issue of coherence of adaptation-related matters under the Convention and collaboration with adaptation-relevant bodies and institutional arrangements was key on the agenda of the AC.
Cover Briefing AFB21
This briefing paper summarizes the key issues on the agenda for the 21st meeting of the Adaptation Fund Board, which governs the Adaptation Fund set up under the Kyoto Protocol. The meeting will be held in Bonn, Germany from July 1-4, 2013.
Cover Flyer LCP
About the Project
The flyer provides an overview of the aims and activities of the project “Sino-European Partnership on Low Carbon and Sustainable Urban Development”. Please click below to download the flyer in English and Chinese language.
Cover Adaptation Committee 3
A Germanwatch pre-sessional briefing on the AC ́S third meeting (18th to 20th of June, 2013)
The Adaptation Committee is the UNFCCC´s key adaptation body aiming to increase the coherence and promote coordination on matters related to adaptation. At its third meeting (18 to 20 June, 2013) the AC has to deal with a number of agenda items. This briefing paper provides background to the issues discussed, mostly based on the Secretariat´s preparatory documents, but with additional analyses and comments provided by Germanwatch.
One in a series of Open Climate Network (OCN) papers, this assessment looks at the Fast-Start Finance (FSF) contributions from Germany.
International Conference on 2nd July 2013
The conference hosted by the Adaptation Fund NGO Network will serve as an exchange platform between political decision-makers and civil society, between academia and UN institutions on the experience with implementing such adadaptation measures, in the Adaptation Fund and beyond.
ETS Joint Publication
What is the appetite for earmarking within specific EU member states?
The European Union Emission Trading Scheme (EU ETS) is facing serious problems. Clear decisions are necessary to ensure that the EU ETS will realise its double potential during the third EU ETS period as a key instrument for reducing emissions and generating revenues for national and international climate action.The paper will shed light on the potential of the EU ETS as a finance instrument. And it will “reactivate” the question regarding earmarking the EU ETS revenues.
Cover Report AFB20
Report on the 20th meeting of the Adaptation Fund Board
The Adaptation Fund (AF) was established under the Kyoto Protocol of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) in order to finance concrete adaptation projects and programmes in developing countries affected by the global climate change. This report summarizes the key decisions taken during the 20th meeting (April 4-5, 2013) of the Adaptation Fund Board (AFB).
Cover Conference Report
The Dialogue on Transformation Conference highlighted multiple strategic approaches including grassroots, international, regional and national perspectives to engage with policy processes and build momentum for the needed transformation towards a just society characterised by access to sustainable energy and the right to food in the context of planetary boundaries.