Logo: Solidaritätserklärung Hungary
Over 250 organizations worldwide declare their support and solidarity with non-governmental organizations and human rights defenders in Hungary.
On 13 February 2018, the Hungarian government tabled to Parliament a proposed legislative pack of three laws, commonly referred to as “Stop Soros”. The newly proposed legislation would further restrict Hungarian civil society ability to carry out their work. These come in a context of already shrinking space for civil society in Hungary and contravene Hungary’s obligations under international law to protect the right to freedom of association, expression and movement.
Logoteppich Germanwatch WWF Fossil free Suedwind Fair Finance Institute Klima Allianz
The recommendations are an important step towards making use of the financial markets’ leverage on climate change, and they send a strong signal to the German coalition talks and the EU Commission’s action plan. Still, some aspects need to be improved in the implementation phase.
We welcome the recommendations of the EU Commission’s High Level Expert Group on Sustainable Finance (HLEG). The HLEG’s final report represents hitherto the most comprehensive plan to systematically integrate sustainability aspects into the financial system of the European Union.
Empowerment for Climate Leadership - Newsleter (01)

We are looking forward to the big events coming up in 2018. It will start with a meeting of the German group in April, the UNFCCC SB in May with a meeting of the ECL International Advisory Board and our big second exchange in Tanzania in June.

We are sorry that we are kind of late for our first ECL-News for Module 6. Right now, we thought it would be better to summarize the news for Module 6 and 7. We will keep our news quite short; because we think, you have a lot of good stuff to read right now about the African renewable initiative.

Germanwatch provides unauthorised English translations of the most important court documents of the Huaraz case. Moreover, court documents of the defendants party have been summarized and translated into English. Recent documents will be uploaded on a current basis.
Huaraz FAQ
This document describes, amongst other things, the legal basis for Saúl Luciano Lliuya’s claim, his exact reasoning, the first-instance decision, the clear votum of the higher regional court in Hamm and the consequential indicative ruling and decision to take evidence. You can also find additional information regarding the role of climate models and science in this interesting background document.
Blog post by Julia Grimm, December 2017

At the UN Climate Change Conference in Marrakech in 2001 (COP7), the international community agreed to establish a climate adaptation fund, which was then launched in 2007. The Adaptation Fund celebrated its tenth anniversary at the 2017 Climate Change Conference (COP23), which was held in Bonn under the Fijian presidency – a good time to reflect on past successes and future developments.

Sustainable Development Goals Slider
The 17 Sustainable Development Goals in a Nutshell

With the 17 Global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), all countries in the world have come up with a comprehensive and ambitious agenda for environmental, social and economic sustainable development in an unprecedented UN-led joint negotiation process. In the weltwärts extracurricular exchange project in the context of the Agenda 2030 "Empowerment for Climate Leadership" by Germanwatch and CAN Tanzania, the participants intensively dealt with the Agenda 2030 and the SDGs and exchanged their South-North perspectives.

Blog post by Rixa Schwarz, December 2017
The first Indo-German Dialogue on Sustainable Lifestyles during COP 23 in November 2017 in Bonn brought together Indian and German NGO representatives with an interest in sustainable lifestyles. Before discussing the potential of bringing the topic of sustainable lifestyles into the UNFCCC process, a mutually agreeable definition of sustainable lifestyles had to be found.
Press Release
Saúl Luciano Lliuya versus RWE: Following the legal debate, now the evidentary phase begins – Investors all around the world are now forced to take new litigation risks into account
The decision announced today by the Higher Regional Court Hamm (Germany) to enter into the evidentiary stage in the case of Saúl Luciano Lliuya against the german utility RWE is of great legal relevance. It is the first time that a court acknowledged that a private company is in principal responsible for its share in causing climate damages. This applies if concrete damages or risks for private persons or their property can partly be assigned to the activities of the relevant company.
On this page you can find the answers to the most Frequently Asked Questions about the case of Huaraz.