Last Updates
We are looking forward to the big events coming up in 2018. It will start with a meeting of the German group in April, the UNFCCC SB in May with a meeting of the ECL International Advisory Board and our big second exchange in Tanzania in June.
We are sorry that we are kind of late for our first ECL-News for Module 6. Right now, we thought it would be better to summarize the news for Module 6 and 7. We will keep our news quite short; because we think, you have a lot of good stuff to read right now about the African renewable initiative.
At the UN Climate Change Conference in Marrakech in 2001 (COP7), the international community agreed to establish a climate adaptation fund, which was then launched in 2007. The Adaptation Fund celebrated its tenth anniversary at the 2017 Climate Change Conference (COP23), which was held in Bonn under the Fijian presidency – a good time to reflect on past successes and future developments.
With the 17 Global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), all countries in the world have come up with a comprehensive and ambitious agenda for environmental, social and economic sustainable development in an unprecedented UN-led joint negotiation process. In the weltwärts extracurricular exchange project in the context of the Agenda 2030 "Empowerment for Climate Leadership" by Germanwatch and CAN Tanzania, the participants intensively dealt with the Agenda 2030 and the SDGs and exchanged their South-North perspectives.