Press Release
Key Visual Brown to Green Report
Press Release Climate Transparency

82% of the G20’s energy supply still comes from fossil fuels, according to the 2018 Brown to Green Report, released today. In Saudi Arabia, Australia and Japan fossil fuels make up even more than 90% of the energy supply, with little or no change in recent years. The 20 major economies play a key role for achieving the Paris targets because they alone account for 80% of global greenhouse gas emissions.

Marion Cadier speaks with Dr. Roda Verheyen (legal counsel in Lliuya v. RWE AG), Roxana Baldrich (Policy Advisor at Germanwatch) and Christoph Bals (Policy Director at Germanwatch) about the lawsuit brought by Saul Luciano Lliuya against RWE in relation to its contribution to climate change (the Huaraz case).

In November 2015, Saúl Luciano Lliuya, a Peruvian farmer living in Huaraz in Peru, filed a lawsuit in Germany against RWE, Germany’s largest electricity producer. Mr Lliuya claims that his house in the village of Huaraz is at imminent risk of being damaged or destroyed due to an outburst flood from a glacial lake, caused by the melting of glaciers linked to climate change.

Empowerment for Climate Leadership - Newsleter (05)

We are slowly approaching ECL's finish line. lt is weil over a year since our exchange in Germany. As we heard from you and some of you also involved in applying your ECL-knowledge. Currently CAN Tanzania and Germanwatch are fighting in Katowice for higher ambition in mitigation, more climate finance and the decision about a good rulebook for the Paris Agreement. Good luck to our folks there!

In this newsletter, we want to give you a short summary of our work and the last months of the first (maybe) ECL.

Cover The future role of the Adaptation Fund in the international climate finance architecture
Concrete recommendations for decisions to be taken at COP24

In this paper, we explore the Fund’s role in the future climate finance architecture, taking into account past and current debates in international climate negotiations. The paper also seeks to inform these debates, particularly discussions related to operating modalities, safeguards, and governance of the Adaptation Fund.

Cover Energy in Jordan
A Youth Perspective Position Paper

This paper was written by young Jordanians to outline their vision for the future development of the energy sector in Jordan. The authors have a common and crosscutting vision, which is to achieve in Jordan an integrated, affordable, sustainable, efficient, independent energy system with 50% of renewable energies in the national energy mix by 2038.

Cover Working Paper Aligning Investments with the Paris Agreement
Challenges and Opportunities for Multilateral Development Banks

This working paper by Germanwatch and NewClimate Institute studies how Multilateral Development Banks (MDBs) can operationalize their commitment to align financial flows with the Paris Agreement, focusing on alignment with the Paris temperature goal.

In June 2018, the European Commission installed a Technical Expert Group to develop a classification for sustainable finance. That human rights considerations are almost entirely absent from the group’s mandate considerably weakens the current approach, criticises Germanwatch alongside other pressure groups.
Empowerment for Climate Leadership - Newsleter (04)

It is World Overshoot Day today. Just a reminder that the western lifestyle model is consuming too much energy and resources or a breaking point towards transformation? For us it is a motivation to continue our work.

Here in Germany we have a heavy summer heat wave now, but we want to send you a small newsletter. Are you still living on all the good experience from the exchange? Our thoughts are still with you and our days in Arusha and Dar Es Salaam. We hope that you all found a good way back into your daily life in the last three weeks. We are busy working with your feedback, protocols and inputs to get forward gradually.

Bild: Blog-Beitrag Kosovo Phasing in Renewables
Blog-post von Martin Schön-Chanishvili and Eva Schmid, July 2018

In the beginning of July, Germanwatch published its Kosovo research study “Phasing in Renewables“ and discussed it in Pristina with development organisations, ministries, business, NGOs and academia. Kosovo faces quite typical challenges of the Western Balkans, being heavily reliant on lignite use for power generation and struggling with serious social and economic problems.

Cover: Phasing in Renewables
Towards a prosperous and sustainable energy future in Kosovo: challenges and possible solutions
Germanwatch, together with Balkan Green Foundation, has published the study "Phasing in Renewables. Towards a prosperous and sustainable energy future in Kosovo: challenges and possible solutions". Ten authors from the spheres of science, consulting and practice outline challenges and possible solutions for Kosovo based on experiences in other countries.