MENA Civil Society Position Paper

for the UfM Ministerial Meeting on Energy, 11th December 2013, Brussels

Civil society organizations dealing with the environment and renewable energy in the MENA region want to cooperate on the protection of the climate and get engaged in the political decision-making processes of promoting renewable energy in the MENA region. Therefore 23 NGOs, particularily from the MENA region, agreed on the attached position paper which will be submitted for the UfM Ministerial Meeting on Energy aiming to adopt the Mediterranean Solar Plan (MSP) in Brussels in December 2013.

Monitoring Climate Action

Developing a comprehensive approach to monitoring climate change action for funds

Monitoring, reporting and verification of climate finance provided and the funded activities has grown in importance during the last years. Therefore, a consortium of Germanwatch, Ecofys and Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment, Energy has developed for the German Federal Environment Agency a proposal for a potential monitoring and reporting system for a bilateral climate funds.

Press Release | 18 November 2013

Climate Change Performance Index: Emissions are rising - but there is a glimmer of hope

Canada and Australia are the worst performers of all industrialised countries

The new edition of the Climate Change Performance Index (CCPI) was released by Germanwatch and CAN Europe in Warsaw at the UN climate talks today. The results show emissions worldwide have climbed to a new peak and no single country is yet on track to prevent dangerous climate change. "Unexpectedly, for the first time our Index also draws a cautious picture of hope", says Jan Burck, the author of the Index that ranks the climate protection performance of the 58 highest emitters worldwide. "We see positive signals towards a slow down in the increase in global CO2 emissions. And China - the world's biggest emitter - improved its performance in climate protection."

Reimagining China’s cities

Towards a sustainable urbanisation: Chinadialogue special edition on urbanisation

Beijing, November 18, 2013 | In collaboration with E3G – Third Generation Environmentalism, Germanwatch, the Wuppertal Institute and Stiftung Mercator, chinadialogue produced a special edition of its journal focusing on one of the biggest challenges facing China’s leaders over the next two decades: sustainable urbanisation.