Press Release | 08 December 2014

Climate Change Performance Index: Global Shift Needs Further Action

Global CO2 emissions rise at lower rates, giving some reason to hope for limiting climate change | Canada and Australia worst performers of all industrialised countries

Global emissions have reached a new peak, but recent developments indicate a new readiness for action on climate protection. This is the message of the 10th edition of the Climate Change Performance Index (CCPI); a ranking of the climate protection performance of the 58 highest emitters worldwide published by Germanwatch and CAN Europe at the UN Climate Conference in Lima today. "We see global trends, indicating promising shifts in some of the most relevant sectors for climate protection", said Jan Burck (Germanwatch), author of the Index.

Press Release | 03 December 2014

New Climate Action Programme: Germany taking emissions reduction seriously again

Still, several open questions need to be clarified

Germanwatch views a new landmark decision by the German federal government as a crucial but not entirely sufficient signal towards the UN climate negotiations in Lima/Peru. Today, the German federal government decided upon additional emission reduction measures that shall guarantee that Germany reaches its 2020 greenhouse gas reduction goal of 40% below the 1990 level.

Learning from Direct Access Modalities in Africa


In the climate finance arena, the Adaptation Fund (AF) has pioneered direct access - an access modality that allows developing countries to receive funds for project and programme implementation directly without going through an intermediary. To date, a number of national implementing entities (NIEs) in Africa have commenced the process of programming direct access funding domestically; moreover domestic climate funds (DCFs) in several African countries are similarly grappling with this challenge...

Press Release | 02 December 2014

Global Climate Risk Index 2015: Philippines, Cambodia and India most affected during the last year

Germanwatch launches the Index at the onset of the Climate Summit in Lima: Countries of the host region among the most distressed by extreme events

The Philippines, Cambodia and India were most affected by extreme weather events in 2013. This is the result of this year’s Global Climate Risk Index, presented by Germanwatch. “We all remember the images of the catastrophic Typhoon Haiyan, which wiped out entire regions and took the lives of more than 6000,” said Sönke Kreft, author of the study and Team Leader for International Climate Policy at Germanwatch. “Climate change must be controlled so that the future will not bring more of these record-breaking catastrophes."

Lima Climate Finance Guide

Climate Finance Advisory Service (CFAS)

This guide maps several finance issues on the agenda of the COP and the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of Parties to the Kyoto Protocol (CMP), by providing information on the state of negotiations on those issues, in order to endow negotiators and other relevant stakeholders with key information to participate actively in the negotiations in Lima.