Civil society perspectives on renewable energy policy making in Morocco


This document summarizes the outcomes of a working group exercise discussing the perspectives of civil society representatives on renewable energy policy making in Morocco. The working group took place during the "Conférence sur Les Changements Climatiques au Maroc" which was organized by the Heinrich Böll Foundation on the February 10th, 2015 in Rabat.

Adaptation Committee #7

Adaptation Committee: The next generation

In 2015 the Adaptation Committee (AC) enters the last year of its work plan. While it will carry out the remaining activities this year, it is now also time to draft a new work plan for the phase 2016-2018. The challenges are multifold: Demands from countries to implement National Adaptation Plans will increase at the same time learning from a first set of adaptation initiatives and programmes will have to be systematically enhanced.

Outlook from the Lima Climate Summit: Foggy view towards Paris

Despite momentum from past months: missed opportunity in Lima

From December 1st through 12th, the 20th Conference of the Parties (COP 20) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) took place in Lima (Peru). The outcomes of the conference represent a low-ambition consensus. They are a missed opportunity to set the course for an effective as well as ambitious agreement, scheduled to be concluded in Paris in 2015 and to enter into force in 2020. Before and even during the Lima conference, we saw many positive signs pointing towards a new momentum for climate action.

Biennial Assessment and Overview of Climate Finance Flows 2014

Climate Finance Advisory Service Guide

This guide provides climate change negotiators with a synopsis of the key elements in the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)’s Biennial Assessment of climate finance flows. This is of relevance not only to the overall landscape of climate finance, but also to the emerging new global agreement on climate change, to be agreed at the UNFCCC Conference of the Parties in Paris in 2015.